Saturday, May 31, 2008

Male Hygiene Alert!

From Sept. 1946 National Geographic.


Freida Bee said...

Oh, the things we could do with a national nose-hair surplus....

Barbara Bruederlin said...

It's about time they invented one of those. Down with ingrown nose hairs!

Dr. Zaius said...

Nose hairs are the least of my hair worries!

dguzman said...

Klipette Commercial, Take 1--ACTION!

Rotting Corpse #1: So how did you die?

Rotting Corpse #2: I plucked my stray nose hairs so I could attract the chicks; next thing I know, I've got a fatal infection and I'm wormbait. Wish I'd gotten a Hollis Klipette!

Suzy said...

I have a fond memory (and this is going to date me in more ways that one) of Gilda Radner as Roseanne Roseannadanna talking about seeing Bo Derek with a disgusting nose hair. She said something about wanting to pull down two more, braid them and stick a bead on the end. That wouldn't cause a fatal infection!

Ed said...

I tell ya, I've been plucking my unwanted nose hairs for years and I almost never die from the resulting infections.