Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Sacrifices must be made in war time.  

Our men and women in the military have sacrificed their lives for our war of terror on Iraq:
We citizens of the USA have sacrificed our civil liberties and our tax dollars for the warwithoutendAmen:
Laura Bush has sacrificed what was left of her drug addled mind to support her insane drunken husband:
Jenna sacrificed her sobriety and her self esteem to support her deranged daddy and her arranged marriage to Karl Rove's ex aide:
But perhaps the biggest sacrifice was made by our Chicken Hawk in Chief:
No, he did not give up drinking.  No, he did not give up listening to the voices in his head that he claims are really his god talking to him.   What our idiot President has sacrificed is his golf game for the war.  He stopped playing golf while the war has been going on.  What a noble compassionate man he is for giving up playing golf so that he can play executioner to millions.  I'm sure the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi dead, the thousands of dead American and British soldiers would rather he had stuck to playing golf and that he had left something as serious as war to those who knew what the fuck they were doing.  I'm sure it's little consolation to the millions of injured and displaced people that he stopped playing golf so he could "focus" on the war.  

Every dead soldier, every dead Iraqi, every family torn apart by his treachery in causing this illegal war and keeping it going with no end in sight all wish that the Democrats in Congress would develop some back bone and move to impeach Bush and Cheney both.  We've got to stop the war this minute and we've got to make sure that warmongering Bush McCain and Hillary Clinton do not get elected to replace our current Abortion in Chief.


Little Merry Sunshine said...

I just posted about the same thing without realizing you'd done it too! What a joke that W gave up golf. Big damn deal. What an embarrassment he is. I can think of a few other things he should have give up . . . . his job as President for one. Of course, I realize that would mean Cheney would become Prez, which would probably be worse. They really need to be impeached. Both of them. That would be a sacrifice I'd like to participate in.

Moderator said...

You're joking about golf, right? You can't be serious. That's so laughable. It can't be true, can it?

dguzman said...

I just posted on this too! It seems like I've commented this a million times, but it never stops being true: Their arrogance knows no bounds.

Anonymous said...

Words cannot convey the long and endless string of obscenities that are flowing through my brain right now, nay, every time I have seen this story today.

I sincerely hope he gets Necrotizing Fasciitis on his smug fucking face.

Um, is that a real photo of Jenna, or a P'shop? Well done, in either case.