McCain and Rice. Oy. Do you think the Republicans have already bought and paid for the results of the next election? How can they possibly think that ticket will win, given the fact that over 80% of Americans think the country is headed down the shitter.
I loved McCain's response to this rumor, that they're not planning a "3rd Bush administration." Yeah, not much they're not.
Wooo hoo, I called it back on Feb 14!!!!
Oh well, he can pick whomever he wishes, he's not going to win.
Oh lordy. Scary.
Yay! She certainly has the experience. With her resume on the GOP ticket, we can't lose!
That's fine - she can make a mess of McCain's campaign and let us Dems win.
That is so f*cked!
I doubt if this Bush republican is ready to come out of the closet for a VP debut. Vile creature she is! Great choice for McPain.
CDP-He's not planning it this second, but we all know he will sooner or later.
Captain-You are indeed a prophetess and a seer. Now, tell me what lotto numbers I should play.
Whiskey-It's almost as scary as me in a thong dancing to German techno.
Dr. Z-Run Condi, run!
MNMom-My thoughts exactly.
Fran-Most of them are.
Zippy-Good to see you again. Although you're going to have to pick one alias and stick with it. :)
McCain and Rice. Oy. Do you think the Republicans have already bought and paid for the results of the next election? How can they possibly think that ticket will win, given the fact that over 80% of Americans think the country is headed down the shitter.
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