Wednesday, March 19, 2008

So long old friend

World renowned writer Arthur C. Clarke died today. He wrote mainly science fiction but he also wrote about science fact and the future of mankind. I'll always be grateful to him for writing these great novels:
I ate these books up when I was younger. The plots didn't seem to be too far fetched to me because they were grounded in reality. When I read these books they transported me away from the bullshit of the real world and for a time they took me to the stars and beyond. I'll forever be grateful to Mr. Clarke for making this young self conscious nerds life a little brighter and richer.

Rest in peace Arthur and thanks for all the great times.


mad said...

Amen. R.I.P.

mwb said...

I've never read as much Clarke as I should, but I did read those three as a teen and loved them.

He'll be missed.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

I read a lot of his books as a kid, too.

RIP Arthur C.

Tengrain said...

Oh, I did not see this in the news. This is a profound loss.

His was the only science fiction I ever truly liked. Childhood's End was amazing.



Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Mad-We lost a good one when Arthur died.

MWB-Most heartily missed.

Barb-You are a reading maniac my friend, and I bet you always have been.

Tengrain-Regards to you my friend.

NotSoccer Mom said...

seriously, every time i'm out of town someone BIG dies: elvis (i was in hawaii), jerry garcia (i was in hawaii), the oklahoma city bombing (i was in northern ireland, where funny enough, there were no bombings)--and i think there were more, actually, that i just can't think of right now. scary, huh?