Tuesday, March 25, 2008

On the blogger campaign trail

Here's a quick update on what some of the blogger Presidential candidates are up to these days:

Dr. Smith is fomenting unrest in Asheville, NC:

Hillary "Mrs. Robinson" Clinton admits she digs The Evil Dictator: This sign has been popping up a lot lately:
And it's sad but true that Dick Cheney had this to say about Dr. Zaius the other day:
Meanwhile Barack Obama sent us this message via esp:
Okay, that's all for now. I've got to run. I'm off to patch things up with Ubermilf. I do hope she will accept this tray of sweets along with my apologies for hurting her feelings.


Ubermilf said...

I appreciate the tray of sweets and I am well over my hurt feelings, but...

how could you say such things about my beloved Dr. Zaius?

I want to nestle him to my bosom now.

mwb said...

Dr Smith asked me to respond to this since he is on an extended vision quest and will return with a startling announcement in a couple of weeks that will change the face of the campaign!

Being concerned about the effects of gaseous emissions upon the environment, Dr. Smith is merely trying to find who dealt it so they can be ministered helpful dietary advice that will help curb Global Climate Change.

Surely a noble endeavor in the eyes of many....or are you just just in the pocket of Big Oil, candidate Monkey?

Snad said...

My feelings aren't hurt! I'm delighted that Chester Earl Blankenship is your Blog Roll Model O' the Week! He'd be honored if he wasn't busy licking his butt.

Dr. Zaius said...

Ha! Lies and inuendo! My lobotomies only rarely cause death! Good day, sir! Good day!

Dr. Zaius said...

By the way, Übermilf - We must get together, Bosom-nestling is one of my favorite pastimes!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Ubermilf-Sure offer to bosomize him and not me. Why do you hate me so much?

MWB-He who smelt it dealt it.

Snad-Technically you're not a MILF my dear. You must be a mother to be a MILF. Once you're a MILF then you can work on being an UberMILF.

Dr. Z-Maybe you and Ubermilf should get a room. Sheesh!

Freida Bee said...

I'm gone for mere hours and all this?

Dr. Zaius said...

By the way, is that chocolate cake on that tray? Two slices, please!