Thursday, March 13, 2008

The bluebird of happiness...

...was at one of our parks here in Johnson City yesterday afternoon.
He was a bit shy at first.

But when I called out to him he turned around.

Well, he turned the opposite way from me.
But after a moment he turned back towards me.
He finally sat on the fence long enough for me to snap this picture of his pretty blue coat.
I'm holding you responsible for this bird post Ms. Guzman. It's all your fault.
Happy spring time everybody!


Crayons said...

Wow, I've never seen a bluebird. How can that be? He is just beautiful. Do they fly in from Costa Rica or something? Infinitely more amazing than Hollywood

The plot of your story reminds me of the job I had grading the 3rd grade writing test for all of Texas. Yours was one of the best plots I've seen.

Ed said...

Cool! We have bluebirds in Wisconsin, but I almost never see them. I'm not sure if they're rare or very shy. Or maybe I'm not very observant. Thanks for photos. By the way, is that grass I see in the background of that last one? I've forgotten what it looks like.

mwb said...

A long as you don't put on the Shirley Temple wig and start singing, I'll join you in celebrating.

And Johnson City? Geesh, stop living a strangely parallel life. I lived in a Johnson City (different one mind you.)

Anonymous said...

May the bluebird of happiness fly up your nose. Wasn't that a catch phrase for some comedian years ago?

Mnmom said...

Kirby - I believe that was from Laugh-In.

I'm surprised that bluebird stayed long enough for you to get that close and get a photo. They are notoriously shy and skittish. In our family, we believe that Mother Nature often sends "messages" - perhaps that was a good omen for you.

dguzman said...

I accept complete responsibility for this post, though the beautiful photos of my little blue friend are all yours. Nice work, Monkey!

Angry Ballerina said...

I almost ran over a robin yesterday morning.

Dr. Zaius said...

Very nice! Happy spring to you as well.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Yum, bluebirds - Tobiko's favorite!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Crayons-I'm not sure where they come from but we see them in the early spring and the fall mostly so I guess we do get to see them on their migration route.

Ed-Yep, that's grass. Spring is almost here down here.

MWB-So, you're going to wear the wig then? Because someone has to wear it.

Kirny and MNMom-I remember hearing it on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

Dguzman-I though of you when I was taking those photos.

Angry-You naughty girl you.

Dr Z-Thanks.

GKL-That's one mean pussy you got.

Suzy said...

Do you know the song by the incomparable Jean Ritchie, about counting bluebirds? It's lovely. And so are your photos. Thanks.