Sunday, February 10, 2008

FranSheBe taggeth me

Fran tagged me with a book meme and here are my results:

Pick up the nearest book of 123 pages or more. Check. (I got this Spring 1990 issue of Granta from a local used book store. I bought it because it has a long article on the former dictator of Paraguay Alfredo Stroessner. I've had a morbid fascination with Stroessner ever since I read a Rolling Stone article about him in the mid '70's.)

Find Page 123. Ok, got it.

Find the first 5 sentences and read them. Post the next 3 sentences. Ok, here goes:

"Those of us who were young in 1968 used to talk of 1968 as the moment when some great shift in power towards the people took place. But actually, nothing happened in 1968: a few kids ran down the street chased by the police. This time it actually happened."

That snippet is from an interview with Salman Rushdie. I have not read the entire interview yet so I'm not sure what event "actually happened."


Katie Schwartz said...

what a cool meemish. how are you, bubbie? I have been out of the blog loop for a month. oy, I missed my simian stud.

Missy said...

Oh I like that one!

I once saw Rushdie and he spoke a lot about life in the sixties. H and his friend drive from London to India....can you imagine? One seriously could not do that today...

Fran said...

You are too much. Really. In a good way.

I love Granta. I actually had that issue.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Jewgirl-I'm good. How are you my little latke?

Missy-Probably not.

Fran-I'm too much? That's crazy. If anything, I'm not enough!