All comic books geeks and fans know who Will Eisner is. He was the guy behind the great comic book The Spirit. Most all comic book artists and writers today always mention what a huge influence Eisner is on their work. So I was shocked to find this great little paperback by him one day in the thrift store. It's a bit dated now, it was published in 1979, but it's pure pop culture fun.

It shows the origin of dating.

It shows you where to find boys,

and girls.

And of course no book from the 70's about dating would be complete without a handy dandy astrology guide.

I love this final page in the book.

They reminded me of Playboy cartoons or the innocently sexy cartoons from an old magazine that was called From Sex to Sexty, which was a magazine full of nothing but cartoons of big breasted women being hit on by old men or cartoons about the sex lives of good looking young couples. I remember sneaking peeks at it when I saw it on newsstands or in stores. My Mom caught me looking at it one day in a store and she slapped the heck out of me, she was a cool woman most of the time except when it came to "obscene" things. She'd spank us in a heart beat if we cussed or looked at something she thought was too "smutty."
You can see all of the scans by clicking here.
Funny! That second book reminds me of a naughty National Lampoon book my sister had back in the 70s. The thing I remember most was a story about standing in line at a Chinese restaurant and a filthy incestuous take on All in the Family.
I think. It's been many moons.
I wish I had found that first book years ago...would have saved me lots of dates with Motherboards.
Great finds, both of them.
The Eisner book looks like would be as much fun as those 50s dating educational films. Only with a sense of humor.
D Cup-Many moons ago bawdy humor ruled. :)
Missy-I have no idea what a "Motherboard" is.
MWB-I'm a thrift shop whore for old cheesy paperbacks.
You know, I used to work at a temp agency, putting our temps into different jobs. I don't remember ANY of them looking like THESE temps....
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