Today's question comes from Rev. John Shuck who writes
Shuck and Jive, if you have never read John's blog it's a lot of fun, especially the comments he gets from right wing conservative Christians who hate his progressive take on Christianity and all things religious. (I'll admit to goading a few of those close minded folks over there every now and again, so I hope your boss and celestial homeboy Jesus doesn't get too mad at me for doing that John.)
Anyhoo, John's question is: What is your favorite Ann Coulter fantasy?
Okay, I need to make sure we all are straight on a few things before I can answer this question.
1) I do not in any way find Ann Coulter attractive so I have
no sexual fantasies about her. She is too skinny for my tastes and her skin looks papery, like the skin of a vampire. Her figure is too bony and angular for me, I like a gal with curves and meat on her bones, and as the kids today say, with "a little junk in her trunk." Heroin/Holocaust chic just does not get it done for the monkey man.

2) While I disagree with everything she says, I do not hate her nor do I wish that she suffer any injury or a slow painful death. I don't want to shut her up. I've grown fond of the degree of free speech we still have in this country so I'll gladly let her have her say, just so long as I get to do the same. I'm not about shutting anyone up, even Ann, I'm all about getting more voices into the mix.

So, my answer to your question John is, my favorite Ann Coulter fantasy would be that she would wake up today and have a civil tone to her rhetoric. In my fantasy she tones down her outrageous statements that she makes just to get attention and she begins to have more intelligent cogent points to back up her arguments. Then as other pundits notice how much nicer, though not any different politically, she has become, they all start to become nicer too and as a result our national political debate stops being so shrill and divisive and it starts to bring people together.
Great question John! Thanks for sending it in.
Do you have a question about food? Sports? Politics? Movies? TV? History? Interpretive dance? Pre-Cambrian plant life? Card or board games? Improv Comedy? Anything at all? Well then don't be shy, I'm answering one question a day all January long here on the blog. Send your questions to
monkeymuckATgmailDOTcom and I'll answer them in the order I get them. I need many more questions to answer folks, so keep sending them in, even if you have already sent one, send in another. And I'm hoping against hope that my Canadian and British readers will get off their duffs and send in questions.
What a gentleman! Bravo Monkey, you have taken the highest high road. I like that in a monkey.
BTW, I don't know how I never really got hooked before, but my newest blog-addiction is Shuck and Jive.
Holy crap, the man is brilliant.
Anyway, you say things in this post that explain (other than some pandering which I don't think you'd indulge in)your very kind compliment about my photo with CR.
FranIam is smiling.
When I look at AC, all I can think of is "Who the hell mated with Gollum and WHY?!?!?!" At least Gollum could be nice once in a while - even to the people he hated.
In that top picture of her, her arms look unnaturally long and spaghetti-like. She's totally yucky.
And she has man-hands. My fantasy would involve her waking up one morning, realizing her true calling, and going to a convent where they all take a vow of silence.
And that was a fine answer! Yes, the high road all right. Thanks for the nice compliments and link, too!
So, does Ann get a Crunky?
Fran-Yeah John is a good guy. He's fun in person too and he makes good nachos.
Snad-Gollum can be very persuasive when it comes to sexual matters. Or so I've heard.
Wandering Coyote-Yeah those man hands and pasta arms turn me right off. So does her pronounced Adam's apple.
Dguzman-Your fantasy would be nice too.
John-No Crunky for Ann! And no soup for you. :)
Yes-Ann is not my type of woman(?)!Like you I like curvy women-must be the Latino in me. For instance, J-lo has a kinda small butt! Just kidding-i think.
I think Coulter enjoys making inflammatory remarks. Its what gets her press/book deals/pays her bills-so what does she care about civility. I wish she did and actually made a rational, coherent point.
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