So today I ventured off to downtown and I tried a place called Rick's Family Hair Styles. It's actually just an old time barber shop that's run by an older guy who looks exactly like you'd think a barber should look like. I had to endure 15 minutes of right wing talk radio but at least I did not have to endure him trying to make small talk with me. He cut my hair with something that sounded like a flow-bie and I was apprehensive at first when I heard him kick start it but after he got done and I looked at my new hairdo, it was perfect. He listened well and he spiked it on top just the right amount, cut it short in back and he trimmed it to about a quarter inch above my ears. He used shaving cream and a straight razor on the back of my neck and he used some great smelling stuff after he got done shaving. The best part of it all is he only charged me $10 bucks.
There was no waiting, no chit chat, he actually listened to me and gave me a proper cut, I'm definitely going back to him when I need another cut. I can put up with a few minutes of right wing talk radio in order to get a hair cut from a pro like this old barber.
My wife is a haidresser, so I get my haircuts for free...but I must say that I would gladly pay for my old barber, he would do all the things you described, AND trim my nose hair....that's awesome. Hats off to the oldschool, even if your political radio listening is off kilter.
Wow, you got a real old-fashioned cut. There's such an art to that. Good call in putting up with the radio.
PS: I'm kind of spooked because I'm just now working on a post about getting my own hair done.
Like Devilham, I am all for old school barbers. Yes you will probably have to hear Hillary/Demo pro-war jokes/comments etc., (after the guy I used to go to heard found out I was a teacher, he always gave me a hard time about how bad his teachers were, the work hours etc!)but you will probably get a decent to great haircut!
Awesome. My husband had some bad haircuts (including some at his father's "old timey" barber) sometime in the past and he actually just gave up and buzzed his own hair for about 5 years. Tyhen I came along and held his hand and took him to my stylist. That went great, but it was so costly for how often he would need a trim.
Just this Sunday we went to Great Clips and he bravely let them cut his hair. It took just a couple minutes and he looks great and she did not chat with him...which he enjoyed just like you did!
I am glad you found a place to go!
I used to get a lollypop after my haircut from my barber when I was a kid. Those were the days.
The Mr. insists on cutting his own hair, much to my horror.
I wish there was a version of this for gals with longer hair, because I am soooo tired of trying to make small talk with girls named Tiffani.
Devilham-So your wife is a hairdresser eh? Have you ever seen that French film about the guy who's life ambition is to marry a hairdresser? It was kind of sweet.
Crayons-Great minds think alike.
Micgar-Old school all the way baby.
Missy-Good for him and me too.
Dr. Zaius-I'd get a lollipop too but only after they'd check me for hernias for about an hour.
Whiskey-I cut my own hair once and I didn't get a date for like three years after that. Never again!
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