Monday, January 21, 2008

Question a day

Today's question comes to us from my friend Keith P. Keith wants to know: Since I'm an avowed atheist and have hardly set forth in a church, and you attended a conservative college swarming with fundamentalist Christians, I thought you could help me out with this one. What is with the right wing Christian obsession with gay marriage? Good topical question Keith!

In my experience most of the "Christians" who are against equal marriage for all are miserable pinched faced peoplewho have a need to control everyone they see. Oh, they'll claim they are happy and that Jeebus has made their lives complete but you can see that they are miserable so their goal in life is to make every one as unhappy as they are.

Equal marriage does not hurt them, this country, or the planet in any way but because they can't readily control the thinking, the attitudes, and the actions of gay people they demonize them and do their best to make them outcasts. The "Christians" claim that homosexuality is a sin, yet they engage in such sinful behavior as murder, rape, theft, bigotry, usury, and coveting their neighbors big ol' ass.

The Jesus I read about in church and in that little conservative Christian college I went to told us to forgive one another our trespasses and to love one another, not to make one another miserable and to deny equal rights to others. Of course the "Christians" who oppose equal marriage have always used to Bible and the teachings of Jesus to support such things as Nazism, the Jim Crow laws, Apartheid in South Africa, and the rape and murder of our planet.

And it's also important to remember that while some of them claim to hate and oppose equal marriage for gay people, many of those same people are not opposed to hot man on man action.
Thanks for sending in your question Keith.

I'm answering one question a day all month long, so send in your queries soon if you want to be part of the fun. Send your questions to monkeymuck(at)gmail(dot)com.


pissed off patricia said...

I think you pretty well nailed it. They are also selfish people who think they are the only ones entitled to be happy. If indeed they are happy?

Crayons said...

Hi Dr. M,
This is such a well-reasoned answer with excellent examples. I'm sorry you had to go through that awful experience. But, the photos made me laugh.

I think also that terror plays a role. The Church runs on the fuel of patriarchy and subjugation of women. Same-sex marriage slices those off at the knees.

Ubermilf said...

I read an article that opened my eyes this weekend.

To piggy back on what Crayons said, when you believe in a controlling, punishing, bullying God, you have a much different attitude toward things than if you believe in a loving, freedom-encouraging God.

I prefer my God to be holding a huge coffee cup that says, "Universe's Greatest Dad" on it, loving us and encouraging us to grow and be better people, not holding a whip and forcing us to His set of arbitrary rules.

Blueberry said...

Just piling on to the piggy-back, if both parties are the same-sex, how are they going to tell which one is the subservient inferior one?

Plus, according to Huckabee and our own Sen. John Cornyn, gay marraige leads to wanting to marry animals. Sen. Cornyn specifically mentioned box turtles.

vikkitikkitavi said...

I think most men who strongly fear homosexuals are also afraid that they might be one. Thus the urge to rid the earth of them.

dguzman said...

You definitely nailed it. The only christians I've met who were truly happy and loving people were the regular christians, the ones who love Jeebus and actually follow his "love everyone" teachings. The hyper-christian radical reich ones are ALL MISERABLE! And it's like they need to take that misery out on the rest of us! If they would just lighten up and actually listen to Jeebus' teachings, maybe they wouldn't be such assholes.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

PoP-Thanks. I thought I nailed it too.

Crayons-They love to keep us all scared. When we stop being scared we will win.

UberMILF-It's also liberating to believe in no gods.

Blueberry-Man on beast sex, that what went down in the garden of Eden.

Vikki-Some people are what they fear most.

Dguzman-You are soooo correct.