Friday, January 4, 2008

Question a day

Today's question comes to us from Fran.
What's that? Not Fran Tarkenton you say?

And not Fran Drescher either?

Yikes! That only leaves one Fran left, Fran of FranIam fame. FranSheis's question is: Do you have the answers to all the questions?

Sadly, no. I'm not some sort of guru.
While I do have many areas of expertise some of which include films, TV shows, porn actresses of the 1980's, sports, books, cardiology, board and card games, history, political science, Mesozoic rock formations, cooking, animal husbandry, African rivers and tributaries, the science of sleep, skee ball, Victorian fashions, industrial dyes, button manufacturing, cement mixing, prosthetics (but oddly enough not orthotics), German techno music, and stamp collecting, there are areas of knowledge in which I am deficient. I am not very well versed on "lady problems" that may or may not arise every 28 days or so, most mathematics, single bullet theory, classical music, baking, cellular biology, cellular phones, how to text message, and how to program an iPod. Oh and I have no expertise in the area of why conservatives are called conservative when they want to conserve nothing at all and why people think that Republicans have kept us "safe" for the past few years by starting a war we can not pay for.

Thanks for your question FranYouare!

Send in any question on any topic all month long to monkeymuckATgmailDOTcom and I'll do my best to answer them.


Deepti said...

Is someone molesting Fran Drescher, or is that her hand? Hmm

Snad said...

Victorian fashions? Do we "get" to see your prized corset collection when we come over for dinner?

dguzman said...

I guess I won't ask if you also write the songs that make the whole world sing, then.

Life As I Know It Now said...

still, you know one hell of a lot!

Randal Graves said...

You're really the head of the Kwik-E-Mart, aren't you.

Unknown said...

So who is going to answer my multi-variable monkey calculus questions?

Fran said...

I met Fran Drescher once! And I was just telling my husband that I was teased mercilessly as a kid when "Fran the Man" played for the Giants.

Now I am FranIam and I have only one more question? OK, maybe two.

1) Is this a meme?
2) Because I think you are lying

You do know the answers to everything, I know you do!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Jane-I confess, it's my hand. I have lovely nails don't you think?


Dguzman-It's better if you don't.

Liberality-I do, don't I.

Randal-Shhhh. Don't tell everyone.

Mathman-Obviously not me.

Fran-Would I lie to you? Maybe.