Monday, January 28, 2008

Once more for the troops

Well kids it looks like I'm going to get to do that stress test here in Johnson City after all. I got a phone call late Thursday afternoon from the referring physicians office, the ones who referred me to those awful heart doctors at HEART AND VASCULAR in THE JOHNSON CITY MEDICAL CENTER. The little gal on the phone told me that they had actually scheduled me a stress test with another cardiology outfit and I go tomorrow afternoon to have it done.

I sent a not so nice email to the hospital after last weeks incident and I included a link to my post on the whole mess. The shill who works for the hospital sent me an email back telling me that the hospital was not at fault and that I should take any problem I had with the asses at HEART AND VASCULAR, 405 State of Franklin, Johnson City, TN up with them and I should stop bothering the people who run the JOHNSON CITY MEDICAL CENTER. I know the guy read my post because I did not mention my cardiologist in Knoxville in my inital email, yet he referenced him in his email to me.

So anyway, I go tomorrow to get the stress test done and I'm glad the universe is finally listening to me. Maybe I should not push my luck but here goes: Hey universe, I really want to win the Powerball Jackpot soon. I promise to help out my friends and to start a bunch of sustainable earth friendly businesses if I do win. And you now what universe? I'm not all that picky, if Powerball is out of the question, then I'll take winning the Mega Millions jackpot. I promise I'll help out myfriends and start those businesses if I win this one too.
Thanks for listening to me universe.

(The title of this post comes from my old college theatre professor Penny Mattice. During rehearsals for the various plays I did in college she'd have us do scenes over and over again until we got them they way she wanted. Then after doing a bang up perfect job we'd turn to her and she'd say, "That was good but do it once more, for the troops.")


Mnmom said...

Hey, I've been asking the Universe for the same thing for many months now, with the same altruistic plans including building a new home with geothermal heat/ac, solar panels, etc. etc. Some of the requests that the Universe has lately granted include: someone taking me out for lunch and coffee, finding my coffee thermos, and for my kids to speak calmly to me more often. So my money should be on it's way!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you've already been through your stress test with all the crap they put you through. Anyway, good luck.

Cheesecake Maven said...

Hey, why don't they just hook you up tonight while watching the idiot do his State of the Union address, that should get your blood pressure up there! Good luck on it all!

Anonymous said...

I was going to say something like Kirby said, but then I saw Cheesecake's comment and I laughed so hard, I forgot what I was going to say.

I can just picture you, Doctor, with the little thingies glued to your chest as you watch the idiot make his speech. In my mind's eye, I see you with a speech bubble that says "grrrr."

Blueberry said...

Hope it all goes well, and glad you got their attention.

Fran said...

Sending good thoughts for your stress test and your ginormous Megamillions winnings!!!

dguzman said...

Cool, Monkey--once you win the megamillions, you'll be a shoo-in for president!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

mnmom-Good luck with that.


Cheesecake-Why do mock my hatred of our idiot in chief? :)

D Cup-You're not far off.


Fran-Thanks, I need all the good thoguhts I can get.

Dguzman-I promise not to use a cent of my winnings on my campaign.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Obviously they were just getting you in the proper state of mind for your upcoming stress test. Don't study too hard!