Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I must be doing something right

I awarded myself a gold star for pissing off the whiny right wing corporate apologists. Their henchmen have been reading my blog for awhile now and I've pissed them off so much so that they are finally commenting. One is so unhinged that I have such divergent viewpoints from him that it drove him into a fit of name calling frenzy awhile back. He's been back and he's not too happy that I am using my blog to speak out about how the corporations abuse us all. He's so angry about it that he's not only been leaving long winded comments, which I delete without reading, on my blog and he's going to other people's blogs who agree with me and he's leaving diatribes there as well. I love shaking up their corporate loving world view by putting my non corporate media approved opinions out there for them to read. I can imagine my would be tormentor and educator in his lonely little studio apartment in Queens wailing every time he sees another anti corporate post on here. Then after he gets done wailing about how wrong I am and his neighbors hit the wall to make him quiet down, he jumps on his lap top and writes his long winded drivel which I delete with out reading. Poor lil fella, I guess I hit a nerve in his empty lil life.

The other inane commenter I had recently hated my answers to the questions he asked about my post about Chile and that thug Milton Friedman's role in the coup of 9-11-73. I was nice enough to respond to his concerns and answer his questions but he didn't like it when I told the truth about "Saint" Milt. He excoriated me for relying heavily on Naomi Klein's new book The Shock Doctrine for my answers. The thing about that book is that unlike a book by Malkin or Coulter or Lucianne Goldberg Jr's new book is that Ms. Klein's book deals in facts and not opinion. Ms. Klein conducted interviews with pertinent people in the periods of history that she writes about and she documents all her other sources as needed. She did actual research and wrote a true and honest account of the damage done to this and other countries by the Chicago School of Economics wunderkind Milton Friedman. Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter would do well to emulate the rigorous research and scholarship that Ms. Klein puts into her books.

It pleases me to no end that I am making a difference with my little blog.


Jess Wundrun said...

This is slightly tangential, but you have to read the Rude Pundit's take on Ann Coulter's piece about her own recently deceased father.

Turns out, dad was an absolute asshole too, f'rinstance telling his wife every year on their anniversary "fifty four years married to the wrong woman" to which the whole family laughed uproariously.

It's here:
Because It Needs to Be Said

Randal Graves said...

You deserve hearty congratulations for pissing off the unthinking, unpaid minions of the corporates. I'd toast ya, but I'm at work. ;-)

Wandering Coyote said...

It's quite incredible how meticulously researched Klein's book is. The notes at the end are a book in and of themselves, almost.

SamuraiFrog said...

Excellent work, Dr. Monkey, and you make it all look so effortless. You deserve at least one gold star by now!

dguzman said...

Piss 'em all off, Monkey. Maybe then they'll just explode.

Ubermilf said...

I'm glad you're here to take over this onerous duty for us. I, myself, have a far smaller group of enemies.

I pissed off David Soul fans in October 2005, and they're STILL coming to my blog.

Ed said...

I think you deserve a gold galaxy. Keep it up. I made the mistake of addressing one your dissenting readers' comments on your blog and now my blog is getting splattered with the dude's excretions. Oops. Oh, well, I figure if he's busy spamming me, it takes away from the time spent bothering you. Please, no need to thank me. It's a dirty job, but somebody has to do it.

Übermilf, what, exactly, does one have to do to piss off a David Soul fan? (Sounds like a set up for a joke doesn't it?)

GETkristiLOVE said...

My hero! I could just kiss that fezzed up face of yours.

Distributorcap said...

if you are pissing those ass holes off -- you are doing your job

as i said, my hero...

ps --- so you are a slapp free zone now!

Micgar said...

Yes-I agree with distributorcap-you must be doing your job! I never knew you got so many nutjobs-on your comments! Good for you!

Micgar said...

Arrgh-jess wundren: that Ann Coulter thing was nauseating! Her father sounded like a real creep. No wonder she's like the way she is! Thanks for that link!