Other earth shattering pronouncements from the lips of the leader of the last military coup that overthrew the last legally elected Pakistani government are:
1) Slaves want to be enslaved.
2) Fish really want to walk on land.
3) Democracy must be enforced through oppression.
4) George W. Bush is the best president the USA ever had.
5) Religious freedom is fine as long as it's only for the religion he practices.
6) The only way to keep people free is to make sure they only vote in rigged elections.
7) Muhammad and Joseph Smith were really Jews.
8) Seattle is going to win the Superbowl this year.
9) If you're not with him, then you love the terrorists.
Aww c'mon, he's not ALL bad! Seattle WILL win the Superbowl this year.
can i correct one thing
4) George W. Bush is the best president the USA ever had.
George W Bush is the bestest!
Pakistan is teetering on the verge of leaning over the edge.......
Dr. Evil is right. Monkey Love stands for tyranny.
Women are getting too uppity, isn't that number one on Huckabee's list?
"Fish really want to walk on land."
I KNEW it!
Stephanie Miller on Air America plays a game called "Who said this?" If we threw out a few lines from Musharif and a few from George, I wonder who would be able to tell the difference.
I enjoyed your game of 10.
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