Today's question of the day comes to us from Freida Bee. Freida wants to know:
What can a person do if he or she finds him or herself too sexy for his or her shirt? Great question Freida! And wouldn't you know it this is something that I have struggled with for years, being too sexy for my shirt. As you can see in the photo below, I was way too sexy for my shirt, so I just took it off.

Of course since I took my shirt off I can't get service in most restaurants, banks, grocery stores, and when it gets cold out my man nips do tend to get a bit blue. But that is the price one must pay for being such a sexy beast as me. When you become a big celebrity though, none of that applies and many celebs routinely walk around topless and no one complains. For instance Sarah Michelle Gellar was too sexy for her shirt so she took it off in 2005 and rarely wears one at all now.

Since Salma Hayek is nursing and since she has been declared by the United Nations as far too sexy for any shirt that has ever been, or will ever be, made, she is now topless all the time.

And Michelle Marsh decided that she will follow my brave example and she will go topless for as long as she lives.

So the answer is, if you feel like you are too sexy for your shirt and if you are comfortable with being topless in a crowd or around just one person, especially if that other person is me, then go right ahead and peel off that shirt and let that sexiness shine through.
Thanks for sending in that super question Freida!
I'm answering questions in the order they were sent so if you have not seen your question answered yet, don't despair. I've got about a weeks worth of questions left so I need more questions sent in. Please send your burning queries to me via email and I'll answer one a day all January long.
That's it! My wife beater is coming off and I'm typing with my nipples.
*raises hand*
Um, hi, um, can we like, um stop, um, fuzzing out the nips here please?
it's not like your blog is rated g or anything.
I echo the brilliant comments of my predecessors! And if Buffy the Vampire Slayer wants to go topless, I'm ALL FOR IT.
Thank you doctor. Thank you! That does offer a good amount of clarity, though it does raise a few more questions. Don't most good answers?
If even one person who was too sexy for his or her shirt is now able to discard it, then I will feel I have been of service to humanity today (through you, of course, Dr. Monkey.)
I got to see you shirtless and got DCup to take off her shirt. Yea!
Yeah! What's with the blur-censor!?
dguzman, Ay-men.
Since Salma Hayek is nursing and since she has been declared by the United Nations as far too sexy for any shirt that has ever been, or will ever be, made, she is now topless all the time.
Works for me.
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