Monday, December 17, 2007

This is the last time I am doing this meme, I swear

My good blog friend Delia tagged me with the random facts about me meme. This time I have to tell seven things weird or random things about me. I done this one about five times now and I'll do it again because I like her so much. I'm letting all of you off the hook though because I'm not tagging anyone after this.
1) I love board games. This one is my all time favorite:
2) This was one of the first albums I ever owned:
Having trouble imagining why a horny teen age boy would own a Linda Ronstadt album? Maybe this will help clear it up for you:

I loved her singing but I also appreciated her other "charms" as well. Hubba hubba.
3) I can't sing. I mean it. I sound awful. I can't carry a tune to save my life.
4) I despise American Idol. I'll never, ever, ever watch it or buy a CD made by any contestant on it.
5) I have three major scars on my body. I have one on my lower abdomen from when I had my appendix out, one on my left arm from when I went through a window, and one on my chest where they cut me open during my quadruple bypass.
6) I've gotten to see two of my progressive idols live and in person. I went to Boston to a student voter registration conference when I was in college and I got to see Ralph Nader and Jesse Jackson speak. They were both amazing speakers. You could feel an energy pulsing through the crowd as Jesse spoke.
7) I wanted desperately to play football when I was in high school because I thought it would impress the pretty girls. I went to spring try outs at the end of my junior year. After the first practice I ran so much that I puked when we got done. During the second day of spring try outs I pissed off a coach by running the wrong pass pattern, repeatedly. On the third day I broke my left wrist doing something that was called a "monkey roll." I took my injury as a sign to stop playing high school football.
Thanks for the tag but that's all you're getting out of me Delia. Unless you come across with some cash that is.


Randal Graves said...

Mademoiselle Linda was quite the babe back then, that's for goddamn sure.

And given the penchant for bad taste in the US, I think us talentless singers should start a group. We'll sell millions.

GETkristiLOVE said...

What's that make it now - 86 things we didn't know about you? ;)

Micgar said...

Ha ha I had that same album-(Simple Dreams) and yes I had a serious crush on Linda! Phew! That inside liner was something else, let me tell you! Have you ever seen that old YouTube clip of her on the Johnny Cash show? Cute!

dguzman said...

Thank you, Monkey! No more, no more, I promise!

Oh Monkey--I loved Linda Ronstadt (still do) as well, but I actually liked her for her singing. I had that LP, along with almost all of her others. I remember reading that Jerry Brown, when he was dating her, was asked about it by a reporter, and Brown told the reporter, "Fluff up your pillow and dream about it!" Hee!

I met Gary Hart when he was first running for office--that was pretty cool. It must've been wild to see Jesse Jackson--awesome.

Thanks again, Monkey! We'll play Monopoly together sometime, but you have to let me have the yellows and the greens. That's a rule--I get the yellow and the green properties.