Sunday, November 4, 2007

With friends like this...

Hey, you want to see what Bush/Cheney have planned for us for 2008/09? Go here to find out, except that the "extremists" over here won't be of the Muslim variety, they'll be progressives like me and you. I'd advise you all to live it up and enjoy life to it's fullest now because when a Democrat wins the Presidency, that's when the Bush junta is going to crack down and really take over.


Life As I Know It Now said...

The End of America by Naomi Wolf is on youtube and I think it's worth checking out.

Anonymous said...

People keep saying, "It can't happen here, it can't happen here." Anyone paying attention knows that's exactly what's been happening over here, just at a snail's pace.

Micgar said...

Why do we support "friends" like these? That is a question I have had for most of my life. There are countless examples of this-our leaders supporting the wrong team-in Latin Am. Middle East, and SE Asia, i don't get it.

Distributorcap said...

germany our yards

joshhill1021 said...

Dcap- You took the words out of my mouth. I was just thinking that we are just recreating 1930's Germany here in America.

dguzman said...

You read my mind--I've been worried for a while that this whole bomb-Iran/PKK thing is just the set-up for declaring a state of emergency and retaining the presidency. I keep thinking of Cheney, acting like Chancellor Palpitine in Revenge of the Sith, yelling "unlimited power!" and declaring martial law. THEN what will those few BushCo supporters say?