Thursday, November 1, 2007

We had this many trick or treaters

Which was five more than we had last year.

(I was going to scan my hand but then I thought I better of it.)


Barbara Bruederlin said...

That's it? Wow, that leaves a lot of leftover candy that somebody must deal with.

Some Guy said...

We had nine. We have about 100 pieces of candy left.

PJ said...

We didn't have any, though I saw some kids on the adjacent road to ours doing it.

Blueberry said...

Lucky you! I miss living where there aren't many little kids. We are inundated. A steady stream. Gave out 5 bags of candy and turned out the lights so we could watch Boris Karloff in peace.

Jess Wundrun said...

We had probably 100. I live blogged it, if you want gruesome details.
(I'm still wearing my blogwhore costume)

Ubermilf said...

Viva les trick-or-treaters!

Viva Halloween!

dguzman said...

Viva LESS trick-or-treaters. We had ZERO. Yay!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Barb-Sparky takes the left over candy to work and those people she works with eat it in like three seconds.

Chris-What's wrong with kids today?

PJ-Is halloween a big deal in the UK?

Blueberry-We hardly ever get many kids by. They must hate us.

Jess-Yeah, I read you live blogging of the event and I loved it.

UberMILF-I love Halloween too but kids just stay away from our condo complex for some reason.

Dguz-Don't be a halloween Scrooge. :)

Micgar said...

we had about the same amount-groups of 5-7 people though! Lots of candy left-to ...get rid of!

GETkristiLOVE said...

I've scanned a lot of body parts in my day - never a hand tho'.

Missy said...

We had zero. We live in an apt. building full of yuppies and dinks. There were PLENTY of kids running around the neighborhood though. I even saw some kids in costume on the bus ride home. I wished I had candy on the bus to give them. That sounds really creepy when I type it out.

Nice drawing, btw!

Dale said...

Is the tip of your pinky paw missing too Dr. M? Or is it just drawn that way?

PJ, I hope you called their parents. Imagine, doing it in the road!