Thursday, November 1, 2007

A Dr. Monkey Movie Review

I gave the League of Mullets last night off since it was Halloween and all. So the lads went trick or treating dressed up as the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. So since they had the night off I'm sitting in for them on this movie review.

We watched this last night on one of those "On Demand" channels:

Right off the bat I need to tell you I love this movie. It's is one of those "mockumentaries" but unlike some of the recent offerings in that genre, this one is actually sweet, funny, and very very very good.

It's about three couples who enter a contest to win a dream home. In order to win this million pound dream home they must put on the most original wedding in Britain. One couple goes with a tennis theme, one goes with a nudist theme, and the other couple goes with a 1930's Hollywood musical theme. The film follows all three couples, the put upon wedding planners, and the magazine staff in the weeks leading up to the big nuptials. That's all I'm going to say about the plot because I don't want to give too much away. As far as performances go there was not a bad one in the bunch. Everyone in this film was perfect, I'm not kidding. All the performances were fantastic, but the ones that really stood out to me were the ones by the guys who played the wedding planners, Martin Freeman's performance, Jessica Stevenson's, Olivia Colman's, and the tennis couple. Jimmy Carr, a smarmy British comedian who I usually can live without even turned in a very funny controlled performance. You can see the rest of the cast here and you can see more photos from the film there as well. This film was conceived and directed by Debbie Issit and she deserves a huge round of applause and much more for making this pitch perfect comic gem.

Honestly, I didn't expect much out of this movie but I ended up liking it way more than I thought I would. And two big reasons why I liked it so much was the fact that they cast Jessica Stevenson and Olivia Colman. These two women if they lived in the USA would never ever get cast in a film like this, or for much of anything else for that matter, because they are not stick thin with bulging lips, bee sting boobs, and blonde hair piled high up on their heads. These gals are real women with a few extra pounds here and there, which makes them, in my book anyway, look normal.

Jessica Stevenson

Olivia Colman

I loved the fact also that the director was brave enough to cast Ms. Colman as the would be nudist bride. Yes, I'm a straight guy who likes to look at nude women in films, so it was nice to see a woman like Ms. Colman in this film. Her body is by no means the Hollywood ideal, her breasts sag a bit, gravity is getting to her bum, and she has a little pot belly, but like I said before, so it was refreshing to see a normal looking woman nude in a film for a change. And for the record, I think both Ms. Stevenson and Ms. Colman are sexy women precisely because they look normal and not like heroin addicts.

I highly recommend you watch this film when you get a chance. It's available on DVD and showing on Cinemax or The Movie Channel this month. I loved it so much that I'll probably pick up a copy on DVD one of these days because it's the type of gentle comedy that we like to watch over and over again when it's too cold or too hot to go outside. And because I want to see whatever extras they put the DVD.


Claire said...

I don't know that movie, thanks for the recommendation. You know, my husband and I were watching "Fast Times at Ridgemont High" late one night and we were saying something similar about Jennifer Jason Leigh. She was so beautiful in that movie, but she was normal beautiful...I don't think she'd be cast in a teen comedy today.

Life As I Know It Now said...

in college I took a class called Sex in Society (remember this is IU, the home of Alford Kinnsey)and we had to do a half hour presentation about an issue of some importance. I chose AIDS awareness and one of the subtopics I focused on was how to talk to a potential sex partner about safer sex. As the visual aid I chose this sex film that showed a normal looking couple talking about sex and sexually transmitted diseases before they get it on later on some weeks later in the film. All that week in class I watched porn films galore and they had these stupid porn models in them but the film I chose was the closest to real sexual itimacy starring real people with believable and yet still sexual bodies. A number of women came up to me after class to ask where I had gotten that film and how they could obtain a copy and to comment on how this film was the most arousing for them. That was over a decade ago so now I have forgotten the name of the film. Oh and some other fun stuff I did for this presentation was to show how to correctly use condoms and using a banana to demonstrate the technique. Only at IU yes?

dguzman said...

I love this kind of movie, the pleasant British comedy that's not laugh-out-loud funny but more consistently amusing and sweet. They don't usually make this kind of film in the US. And you're so right about anorexic-looking American actresses--blechh. Give me a buxom babe over a "heroin-chic" (I hate that phrase) girl any day.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Cdp-You're welcome. I think you'll like this fim if you watch it.

Liberality-You are so cool. I love how you brought porninto the classroom and used a banana to show how to use a condom properly. You rock!

Dguz-You and Spakry and I seem to have the same taste in comedies. :)

Missy said...

Dude I own this movie, you could've borrowed it!

I liked it too. I actually bought it when I was getting ready for my wedding. That made it extra enjoyable.

Great taste in films.

We went and saw 30 Days of Night for Halloween...wait, did I tell you that already?

Cap'n Ergo "XL+II" Jinglebollocks said...

you got my interest at the nudist theme, but as for weddings... ::shudder::

Splotchy said...

Jessica Stevenson!

She was one of the writers/stars of the British TV comedy series Spaced (cowritten/costarring Simon Pegg of Shaun of the Dead fame) and directed by Edgar Wright, the director of Shaun and Hot Fuzz

Jessica actually has a very small cameo in Shaun. She's leading a group (that includes Martin Freeman), which Shaun's group encounters briefly.

If you know all this stuff already please tell me to shaddup!

I was wondering what Jessica S. had been up to lately (and was apparently too lazy to check out the IMDB).

Sadly, I don't think Spaced is currently available in the US.

Dale said...

They run Spaced on BBC Canada here Splotchy so maybe BBC America does the same thing?

You make a good fan club president Dr. M.

SamuraiFrog said...

Damn, that's a sexy picture of Jessica Stevenson! And I'm a man who likes his Jessica Stevenson!

And just to add, BBC America ran both series of Spaced, last summer and the previous. It's not available on DVD in America, which is a crime, and now I've read that Fox is doing an American version. I found the whole thing on YouTube a while back.