Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Square America

I found the coolest website today through Boing Boing. It's called Square America and it features all kinds of wild old vintage photos like these:

I know, I'm a geek for digging that stuff but it's like crack to me. I can't wait to look at the rest of the pictures they have on there and knowing me, I'll probably steal a bunch to use on here.


Crayons said...

These are wonderful! I have the same addiction. I'm not sure what it's all about. The temporal distance creates a delicious irony or charm or something like that. That beehive is too great.

Randal Graves said...

I sure hope that second-to-last photo is of an innocent sleepover, lest you be accused of undermining the President's completely successful abstinence program.

dguzman said...

This is exactly the kind of thing I've been looking for, so I could steal some old timey art for my blog! Yay!

I too am wondering about just what happened in that boudoir-scene photo.... "Are you gonna call me? Are you? Huh? Please?"

Joe said...

That is beautiful! I'll be stealing that stuff like crazy.

So, how you been Dr MVM?

dguzman said...

Love the new header, BTW--very birdy.

Missy said...

How did you get that picture from my honeymoon?

Wandering Coyote said...

Hi, came her via Karen's blog. I saw your picture called "Sparky and I" and laughed - I have a monkey just like those!! Only mine is like 33 years old and very, very well-loved. I'll have to take a picture and post it for you.

GETkristiLOVE said...

I love that first picture, and hey - it's a lot cheaper than crack, so don't feel bad.

Freida Bee said...

That second to last picture was of my parents. That's how old they were when I was born. Then, they promptly lit up their cigarettes in the house and started yelling. But, they look good, right. Ahh, the early 70's.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Those are fabulous. Does it make you wonder if someone will find your cooking pictures one day and think they are perfect gems?

Suzy said...

I love geeks. I call them "quirky people."

Distributorcap said...

i love boing boing

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Crayons-I love how they seem to be a window in to a more innocent time.

Randal-When you think about it, is any sleep over innocent?

Dguz-Yeah, that shot is great.

Bubs-I've been good, and you?

Dguz-I did it with you in mind.

Missy-I have my ways.

Wandering-Please! I love people sock monkey photos.

Kristi-The expression on that kids face is priceless.

Freida-Nothing like a smoke after making a baby.

Barb-I hope so!

Suzy-How could I possibly like you more? Oh wait, you just figured out a way.

Dcap-Me too.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to cruise this sight.

Anonymous said...

First - OMG. This website is the best find! I love you for sharing.

Second - holey underpants, Batman! I get bizzy for a couple of days and it's a Monkerstein avalanche, plus my reader wasn't picking up your new posts so I couldn't run right over as soon as something new went up.

Damn google reader. Damn nutcracker backstage antics. Damn long Grandma post. Damn budget. Damn, damn, damn. And, damn, now I have to go catch up!

Sudeaux Lux said...

Hey, neighbor. Very nice website. I often wonder how the people live in Squaresville.