Wednesday, November 28, 2007

How to lose friends and piss off people

I've got a few moments before I get my chest waxed and I'd like to take this time to address the Ron Paul as Dennis Kucinich's vice president rumor. I'm all for people speaking their minds, especially someone as beautiful as Elizabeth Kucinich, but when she says something as absurd as she said the other day when she said Dennis would think about naming Ron Paul as his running mate, I wanted to tear my hair out and put a piece of duct tape over her mouth. Is she insane? Ron Paul? As Kucinich's running mate? I'm a strong Kucinich supporter, I've co-written one of the 35% videos, I've blogged about his campaign, and I've been to see him in person but if they think that I'll continue to support him if Ron Paul is his running mate then they're nuts. Have they heard the madness that comes out of that guys mouth? The longer they let this rumor float and do not kill it, the more supporters they are going to lose. Please Elizabeth speak all you like about peace issues, about human rights, about anything in general, but keep your mouth closed about potential running mates for your husband. Unless he is willing to offer the position to Bill Richardson, then I could get behind that.

Hey Kucinich campaign, am I getting through to you on this?


Micgar said...

I am with you on this. I am sick of people, some of them calling themselves progressive/liberal, who think Ron Paul has some great ideas. I don't think that just because he thinks differently than other Rep's about the war it makes him a good guy. We did this with McCain also. Its the "Maverick" syndrome-one of our previous governors was considered a maverick rep, but other than wanting to legalize medicinal marijuana and lessen penalties for other drugs, his policies stunk like the "regular" rep's.
I had not heard that quote from Mrs Kucinich, but I hope his advisors steer him clear of this potential fiasco!

Fran said...

First Elizabeth says it, then Dennis.

I am afeared Doc!


Ron Paul is many things, but I prefer to stick with the one that covers it all...

Crazy Motherf*cker seems to work.

Randal Graves said...

You'd think that after the last few years of the blogosphere doing the media's job and noting when a politician says/does something wacko, that one would steer clear of courting a lunatic. Guess not.

Snad said...

For all that I disagree with Ron Paul, the Libertarian in Rep's clothing, I would rather see a Kucinich/Paul ticket than the Obama/Cheney ticket being talked about in the mainstream.

pissed off patricia said...

Obama/Cheney ticket? NO FU*KING WAY
That's a total crock-o-shit. I don't know in what "mainstream" that's being talked about other than maybe the main stream in the toilet bowl.

Dennis may have played his last card with a lot of people with the talk of Ron Paul. WTF was he thinking?

dguzman said...

Maybe Dennis' UFO experience did more harm than I thought, or he fell down and bumped his head--whatevah, but he better wise up before he loses what little support he's got! Beat him up, Dr. M!

Dr. Zaius said...

Help us, Obi-Wan Pelosi, you're our only hope!

Karen said...

Hey, that's Tom Jones' body with your head on it!!!! THe best combination out there.

Snad said...

Here is where I read the suggestion that Obama consider Cheney as his running mate. Thomas Friedman is, unfortunately, about as mainstream as it gets.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Micgar-Ron Paul would be worst reichwinger we could ever be saddled with. Well, besides Bush/Cheney.

Fran-You are so right my dear.

Randal-The corporate media loves it's loons. Look how they deify Bush.

Snad-I think Friedman has since said he was joking.

PoP-You got me. I'd never venture into their heads.

Dguz-You could be right. I wonder if he was abducted.

Dr. Z-If she put impeachment back on the table I'd be in her camp.

Karen-Pretty hot huh. Woot woot!

Moderator said...

There's no way Kucinich would tap Paul and even less a chance Paul would accept.

No way. No way. It'd be total madness.