Thursday, November 8, 2007

Number one with a bullet

I just watched parts of the press conference where Pat Robertson endorsed BushRudy for President on Countdown. One of the reasons God's wet blanket gives for endorsing a man who supports abortions, gay rights, and gun control is because he says the number one issue facing America today is preventing an attack by Muslim extremists and he believes BushRudy is the man to prevent such an attack.

Really Pat? Are you fucking kidding me? BushRudy was the man who learned nothing about the first attack on his city and subsequently did nothing to help prevent the next one. Saying BushRudy is the man who should be President based on his performance on 9/11 is almost as ludicrous as saying that God talks to you directly and that you prayed away a hurricane from hitting the east coast that time.

Yo, Pat, can't a Mormon get some love from ya bro?

If the government worked properly and laws were enforced properly then Robertson's tax exempt status would have been revoked the second that he said he was backing BushRudy. But only when ministers make comments that are in opposition to the President and his party do they get investigated by the IRS for breaking the laws about churches making political endorsements, so Pancake Pat is safe.

But the thing that gets me is if he is a true believer in his brand of religion then why would it matter who the President is? If he truly believed that he was Jesus's BFF and that only him and all others who believe like he does are getting into heaven to sitteth at the right hand of God, then it would not make a damn bit of difference who is leading this country because in the end he and his church members are going to heaven. And then they'll be back when Jesus comes back. I could be wrong about that or maybe, just maybe is Pat caught up in all his

Yeah, I think that's it. He's lost in his fairy tales and he's taken on an air of importance. But if I read my Bible correctly, and no worries kids, I have actually read the Bible, parts of it over and over again many times, then when and if Jesus does come back he's going to lead

on people like Robertson and all the other false prophets. Jesus said, and I'm going to paraphrase here, "What you have done to the poor and helpless among you, you have done to me." Let's remember what Pat and his cronies have done to the poor and helpless among us, they've marginalized them, ignored them, and written them off by supporting the Republican party. Ol' Pat has pretty much kicked them in the balls (or ovaries if you prefer) and ran with the party of big business, the party of bloodthirsty greed and murder. Pat's aligned himself with the military/prison industrial complex and said to hell to the poor and helpless. So like I said, when Jesus does come back, he going to be pretty pissed at people like Pat Robertson and John Hagee and at Rev. Gimme A Dollar and Benny Hinn and Jimmy Swaggert and all those peroxide blond men and women on TBN. Why you know what? I'd say that all of them together make up the entity known as
And we know who the mortal enemy of Jesus is, that's right boys and girls, it's the Beast.

Now I know that some of you folks who read me are fine upstanding Christians who don't fall for Robertson's bullshit and you try to live your faith the best way you know how and that you work for the betterment of all of us and for various social causes that are considered left wing. And I salute each and every one of you. But on the other hand, what about the millions of other Christians who should be joining you?
Oh riiight, now I remember where the other Pat Roberston believing, George W. Bush voting, James Dobson butt crack kissing, spit on the poor and down trodden, gay and lesbian hatin' Christians went. They're all at the the Purity Balls getting down with their bad selves and their daughters.

When I hear all the nonsense Robertson and Dobson and their ilk spew and I see how they treat others, it almost makes wish that Jesus was going to come back so he could smite all of the people who twisted his words from the sermon on the mount. I'd love to see Jesus lay a drop kick on all the million dollar ministers. I'd pay money to see Jesus come flying off the top rope and toss an atomic elbow on people like Falwell who demonized gays and lesbians for political and religious gain. I'd giggle like a school girl if the Son O' God actually did put every hateful evangelical in a sleeper hold until they passed out. But what would really make my day would be when Bethlehem Bomber sends all those pious hateful people to hell and he scoops up the meek, the peacemakers, the gays and lesbians, the poor, the downtrodden, the disenfranchised, and the people who Robertson and his cronies made outcasts to his rippling Jewish bosom and they go off to heaven to party like it's 1999 all the time.


Distributorcap said...

i look forward to the day when Robertson joins Jerry Falwell in the Party from Purgatory...

Robertson is an abomination to the planet and human beings.....and the planet would be a better place without him

Randal Graves said...

I hope Jesus tries a different persona during each assault against the various lunatic fringes. Ninja Jesus, Lee Van Cleef Jesus, Humphrey Bogart Jesus.

dguzman said...


That was awesome. "Bethlehem Bomber"? Wow. oooh, how about Clint Eastwood Jesus, Randal? (and I'm talking man-with-no-name Clint, NOT bridges of Madison county Clint) Charles Bronson Jesus?

Kari Hultman said...

Just came across your blogsite and wanted to tell you I'm lovin' it!!

dguzman, I didn't realize your photo was an animal at first (bunny?); I thought it was a Marshall Arisman painting:


Anonymous said...

I hope Jesus has come back to save us from a Giuliani presidency, in the guise of Bernie Kerik.

Ubermilf said...

I always pictured God with Samuel L. Jackson's voice.

"Oh, HELL no, you did NOT say something THAT STUPID in MY name... St. Michael, get me my smitin' stick..."

Randal Graves said...

dguzman, Dirty Harry Jesus!

"You gotta ask yourself one question. Did I bring forth five plagues, or six. Do you feel lucky? Well do ya...PUNK?"

Joe said...

You know, Doctor, I really don't like you besmirching the reputation of Jack Chick tracts by associating them with that hack Robertson. Jack Chick has far more integrity.

SamuraiFrog said...

Bravo, Dr. Monkey, bravo. Tell me again how failing to prevent the World Trade Center from being attacked is excellent leadership. Seriously, what did he do other than tell people Daddy Bush would make it all better?

Micgar said...

I wish all of them, Jack Chick tracts in hand, would go away forever. Then the people who actually work for peace and understanding beween nations and their peoples could get to work!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Dcap-That's a day I look forward to also.

Randal-Samurai Jesus! Ghetto Killa Jesus!

Dguz-Hmmm, you may be on to something.

VC-Thanks very much! You are so nice, so come back often!

Jesus-He may have come back for some young poontang.

UberMILF-I never thought of that, but it's cool.

Bubs-I plan on doing a Chick tract post sometime soon.

Samurai-It's beyind me on how people could be so stupid as to vote for him based on 9/11.

Micgar-You and me both brother.