Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Gals who shot him down

Hi everyone, Emma Thompson here, welcome to another random yet maybe recurring feature on Monkey Muck. This new possibly recurring feature is about women who turned down Dr. Monkey when he asked them out on a date. Please go have a look at this woman. She went to the same college as Dr. Monkey, although she was a senior when he was a freshman. Dr. Monkey had a big pair of simian you know whats because called up Ms. Kirkpatrick and asked her out one day way back in 1980. (She was much cuter then, years of police work have not been kind to the gal they used to call "Kirky.") She politely rebuffed his offer of dinner and a movie and she told him perhaps they might "have coffee" sometime. Dr. Monkey, as he usually does, took this rejection badly and he never spoke much to Ms. Kirkpatrick again. Luckily for him later that semester he finally found a young woman who would date him.

What's that? Was that young woman a pretty British woman who would later go on to become a well respected actress? Oh heavens no, I would have shot his monkey ass down as well. The young lady in question was a "townie" who was still in high school when Dr. Monkey defiled, whoops, I mean, dated her.

That's all for now! Don't forget to check me out in the latest Harry Potter film when it the DVD hits your local area and look for me in the new Brideshead Revisited remake. Taa, taa for now!


Missy said...

Oh Emma, the words you speak always flow like prose.

You are way hotter than her, Monkey...and who wants to date "the man" anyway?

dguzman said...

I love you, Emma! Wait, come back! I really love you! Don't go! No, wait, please don't send your bodyguard *OOF* I love *OW!* hey *jesusgod* come back, Emma!

Dr. Zaius said...

Ack! She might have been cut once - to a Klingon!

BOSSY said...

This is the best series on Teh Internets.

Blueberry said...

She would love to shoot you down... yet again. And that cuppa coffee is now ice cold.

Forget the "Kirky", the new nick is "Chief".

Anonymous said...

And to think she chose that insufferable Branaugh character instead of our dear Dr. Monkey. How a woman of such low taste ends up playing women of great taste and refinement is beyond me.

Ed said...

Kirby, let's not forget she dumped that Branagh dude, so her taste must be improving. Or, did he dump her? I guess I'm not really sure. Oops. Still, I love Emma Thompson.

Bree A. Dail said...

How I DID love Emma...until she insisted on REVISITING Brideshead--which was already so brilliantly done by Mr. Andrews and Mr. Irons.
Why put a taint on this by whittling the story down to a projected opinion?
Leave the brilliance to the AUTHOR--you wouldn't have done that to Shakespeare...=-(