Thursday, October 4, 2007

Happy 50th

Fifty years ago today the USSR sent up the first unmanned satellite which they named Sputnik. With the launch of Sputnik they took the lead in the "space race."
A month later they sent a dog nicknamed Laika into space.
They learned right away that in space you can nyet hear a dog bark and that poop is weightless.


Distributorcap said...

couldnt they have put Babs the Impalers first born in space and forgotten about it......

i would have glad conceded the space race to the Russians if they had they had done that

pissed off patricia said...

Maybe this is where Mitt Romney got the idea of tying his dog on top of his car in it's kennel before leaving on a road trip. Only his dog did poop and it wasn't weightless. Gravity was the saving grace for the poor dog.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Poor, poor Laika.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Dcap-Babs bit too many people so they chose Laika instead.

Anonymous said...

Spaciba. I suddenly feel very old.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Pissed-Maybe we can send Mitt into space.

Kristi-Laika is running and playing on a big farm on the moon now, so no worries.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Hey it's that Russian satellite they named after our cat!

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Dr. Monkey, I read today's Qt column in the Chicago Sun Times and I immediatley thought of you.

Way down there at the bottom.

dguzman said...

You know, I thought the whole Laika-into-space story was cool when I was a kid, until I found out that they just left her up there to die and disintegrate into dust and hair or whatever. Blegh.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Morse-You're not getting old, you're getting better.

Barb-Wasn't that nice of them to name it after your future cat.

Jon-Saw it. Thanks.

Dguzman-Yeah, that was a bummer.