Thursday, August 30, 2007

Yo ho ho and a bottle of bile

My friend Joseph F. sent me this picture. It pretty much sums up the attitude of the Reich wing towards labor unions and towards the working classes in general.

For those of you who might be too young to remember and to those of you who forgot or who buy into the lies of the Reich wing and the corporate media, it was unions who got you that 8 hour work day and those vacation days, it was unions who made the corporations make your work place safer, it was unions that brought so many people out of poverty, it was unions that made this country great.

On the other hand it was Reich wingers and multi national corporations who rolled back the gains unions made for all of us. They defanged OSHA and MSHA, they are the ones who keep telling you and me that we can't have national not for profit single payer health care for all in this country. It's them who say that you can't have a raise while the CEO's get bonuses for not giving you a raise or for laying you off.

One more thing, which Presidential candidate is a card carrying union member?

He's also a vegan.

He's also got a beautiful red headed British born wife.
Give up?

Why it's Dennis Kucinich of course!

Dennis is the only Presidential who knows what it's like to be dirt poor and to have to work for a living. He's the only one who is one of us. He's not some effete Yale educated snob who got everything handed to him because of his rich family.

The choice is yours, you can either vote for the union busters or you can vote for the one man who is a union member who will stand by us working folks.


Missy said...

I had never seen his wife before. She is tall.

Missy said...

You know who0 ele was pro-union? Paul Wellstone.


mad said...

That, my friend, pretty much sums up where capitalism is headin' us. The extinction of the middleclass.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Missy-She's tall and smart and beautiful. And I miss Wellstone too.

Mad-Sad but true my haiku loving friend, sad but true.

Ubermilf said...

It also pisses me off that nobody realizes what Labor Day stands for.

Or that people standing up for basic rights got KILLED for doing so, by hired goons.

Or the lies and smear campaigns and violence committed not by union members themselves, but by infiltrators bent on giving unions a bad name...

sorry. I'm going to be a proper young lady and not have opinions. I forgot.

Some Guy said...

The fact that Kucinich lived out of a car at times as a youngster tells me all I need to know. He has experienced poverty. It's not an abstract concept to him. I see this as a huge asset. Sadly, he's not getting the exposure he deserves and needs.

Fran said...

Well if you've been by my place, you see I've taken the Dennis plunge. It is really emancipating after being mealy mouthed about it for so long. What was my problem? (don't answer that!)

As for the union bit... a little worried. Mr. HeIs's union and employer are in the midst of some talks. While the union is not even very demanding, the company is... Well not so interested in things like full time hours and benefits.

Stay tuned.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

UberMILF-Sad but true.

Chris-We can help get Kucinich the exposure he needs by posting about him on our blogs.

Fran-Good luck with Mr Heis's union/job thingy. Stand strong and way to go on the Dennis endorsement.

dguzman said...

God, his wife's hot! I'd only seen her with her hair in a very prim bun before. Now she's flowin' wid it for all to see!

GO DENNIS GO! He's the only guy who knows what it's like to be a real person, not a silver-spoon power-hungry asshole.

Angry Ballerina said...

Can I vote for HER?