Friday, August 31, 2007

Is it just me?

Or is Nobel Peace Prize winner, you'll never see those words in front of any former President named Bush, Jimmy Carter totally working that hair do and sweater?


Snad said...

Does anyone else see a similarity here to Annette Benning?

Missy said...

Jimmy carter says "Yes!".

He does look like Benning. Whoa....

Life As I Know It Now said...

Jimmy Carter was a better president than people give him credit for. Later it was revealed that the GOP was behind that smear campaign to discredit Carter re: the Iranian hostage crisis. Carter has done more good after his presidency than either Bush will ever do in their entire lifetimes. Of course there are those who think that isn't saying much but let's leave that aside for the moment. Carter's last book is a great read and I encourage everyone to get to their local library and pick it up. If your library doesn't have a copy insist that they order one!

dguzman said...


I mean, hello, Annette. You're looking lovely this afternoon.