Monday, August 6, 2007

They wish we would all forget

They wish we'd forget all about this picture and this anniversary.

For those of you who forgot, this is a picture of Harriet "I was nearly a Supreme Court Justice" Miers handing our Chickenhawk in Chief a memo. Most likely this is the infamous memo that told the idiots in the Bush junta that Bin Laden was determined to attack us here in America. You remember that memo now? Yep, you got it, that's the same memo they disregarded because the intel behind it was from someone in the Clinton administration. Yep, it's the same memo the terrorist fighters did nothing about. It's the same memo that Condi tried to brush off reading about in the 9/11 hearings. It's the memo that shows you just how good they are at protecting this country from outside threats.

Other things they wish we'd forget are:
  • how badly they are botching the war they started.
  • how many new terrorists they are creating everyday.
  • how they've trampled our Constitution and our civil liberties just so they can safeguard the flow of oil out of the Middle East.
  • how they murdered almost a million innocent Iraqi's and Afghans.
  • how they lie about wanting to export democracy to the Middle East while they support the most repressive governments on earth, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan.
  • how they ignore the will of the people here and the rights of everyone everywhere.

Some people say that because there may not be enough votes to impeach Bush and Cheney that we should not begin the process. This of course ignores the fact that if the Congress actually did their job and they began to impeach these criminals that more and more facts would come to light and then more and more votes to impeach would be gained. And then when that glorious day arrives and the war criminals are tossed from office and hopefully put on trial for their other crimes, then it would be so nice to see this:

Hat tip to Tengrain for his great picture of Bush and Miers.


pissed off patricia said...

After the vote to expand the NSA wiretap this weekend, I can't see the dems having the nerve to even mention the I word. Chicken fecal matter, all of them!

Anonymous said...

Not to mention Katrina, which was Iraq brought home.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Von Monkerstein -

Thanks for the hat tip (Fez tip?) -- I'm just doing my part for the greater good, but I appreciate being mentioned in your fine establishment; it does my reputation good to be in such fine company.

I wish I had thought of your last image. Damn, outsmarted by a monkey (again)!


Your pal,


SamuraiFrog said...

And remember, it's all done in the name of protecting us. That feeling of not being safe is part of it too. All you need to do is take some legal, overpriced drugs to feel better, because you've got something called Restless Persecution Disease, which is not made up at all so we could put another drug on the market. And even though that drug will probably give you heart failure, rectal cancer, and an itchy tongue, it'll make you feel calm. Possibly by killing you.

But hey, we don't want to fight them over here...