Monday, August 6, 2007

A League of Mullets Movie Review

Yo, we watched Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and here is our review:
Dr. Monkey wasn't going to let us watch this one until he bought the double DVD set when it goes back on sale later this year but since he's getting free HBO and Cinemax, and he's not stealing it so don't get your panties in a bunch, sometimes the idiots at Charter Cable fuck up and give premium channels away for free on digital cable, and since it was on tonight he let us watch it.
We're not gonna reveal any plot here or even do a regular review because our feeling is we love these films no matter what. They do a great job adapting them to the silver screen and we think they just keep getting better and better. We'll just say that they really hit a home run with this one. It works on all cylinders and it made us want to watch it again as soon as it was over, and we will see it again after Dr. Monkey buys the double DVD edition when it goes back on sale.

We loved the new folks who came on board with this film, especially Miranda Richardson, who looks great as a blonde, Brendan Gleeson as Mad Eye Mooney, and scenery chewer David "I'm the new Dr. Who" Tennant. We would add Ralph Fiennes to the list but he slags the franchise sometimes in interviews, and when he does we say, "Hey Dick Brain, if you think it's beneath you as an actor to do these movies, then stop doing them and let another actor cash those big fucking checks."

Was it just us or did every time you saw those chicks like the one in the above picture wearing those hats did you think "Hmmm, tit hats."? Oh, it was just us? Really? Well, okay then.
We're glad that the kids are getting older in each successive picture because we were getting creeped out about how grown up looking they are getting. We're not admitting to any crushes but we're just saying that's all.

The only thing that bothered us in the movie was the bathtub scene with Harry and Moaning Myrtle. We understand she's a ghost and that she is supposed to be eternally young, but come on, we know Shirley Henderson is quite a bit older than Dan Radcliffe and it kind of freaked us out. Also freaking us out are the Weasley twins. Is it just us or do they seem unnaturally close?

We loved this movie just like we loved all the rest and just like we will love all the next ones. Buy it, rent it, watch it over and over again.

So say us! So say we all!!!

Here's a bonus clip from Dr. Monkey. It's from the late great BBC sketch comedy show called The Fast Show and it features Mark Williams the guy who plays Arthur Weasley in it. Dr. Monkey howls whenever he sees this clip and whenever he sees The Fast Show, which is known as Brilliant when it airs over here on BBC America.

1 comment:

NotSoccer Mom said...

1. tit hats? hahaha!!! i just thought they looked like stewardesses.
2. crushes on young actors? yup!