Monday, August 13, 2007

So long Karl

While I'm happy that Bush's brain Karl Rove is fleeing the sinking ship, oops, I mean running out before he gets indicted while he still works at the White House, damn, sorry, I mean, leaving his job effective August 31, I am still troubled by his legacy.

There are a generation of political junkies, wannabes, and partisan hacks who think that Rove's way is the best. They think it's perfectly fine to divide the country along religious lines so that their party can stay in power and govern in the interest of the minority. They think it's cool to demonize gays and lesbians to further their political agenda. They think it's hunky dory to politicize the federal government.

Well kids, if any of you are reading this which I doubt you are since your hero Rove says to only read right wing magazines, websites, and blogs, I'm here to tell you his way is not the right way. His way of attaining and keeping power is in fact the textbook example of how not to do things in the political arena.

Government is supposed to work for all of us, not just the rich privileged few who helped put you in power. The president is supposed to enforce all the laws, not just the few he agrees with, and while I'm handing out civics lessons here, the job of the president is to enforce the laws not to make them or to interpret them.

History will judge Bush harshly for being such a stubborn blood thirsty tool of the corporate world and it will judge his today Rove the same way. I pray, but as usual I have no idea to whom I am praying to since I am an atheist (and a proud atheist as well so suck on that Chuck Norris you old chickenhawk you), that Congress continues to investigate Rove and that one day he will serve hard core prison time for all his crimes against the people of this country.

But in the mean time, I do hope he enjoys all that free time with his wife

and his kid.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

No need to leave me a comment telling me that he has a son, I know it already. If you're that anal that you were going to do that, then I am so sorry to have cut your fun short. Nah nah nah.

Anonymous said...

What is that picture of Rove from? I've seen it before, but have no recollection of him being arrested and such.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Duros-It's just a photoshopped picture that has been floating around the web.

Fran said...

It is called "when photoshop imitates life" I believe!

Life As I Know It Now said...

I wish that this photo comes true, and soon!

Anonymous said...

His head is so shiny, I want to rub it for luck.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

Who's going to do Dubya's thinking for him now? Oh wait a minute, that's sort of a moot point, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, thought so, but I've seen it around so much, I thought it might just be real. Crazy, huh?
