Monday, August 13, 2007

The Shortest League of Mullets Movie Review Yet

Yo, we watched part of The History Boys and here is our review:

We tried to like this movie but after watching 45 minutes of it we just could not get into it. We could have cared less if those dicks got into Oxford or Cambridge or not.

Our verdict is stay away and avoid this film unless you like to be bored.

So say us! So say us all!!!!


pissed off patricia said...

I think the last movie I saw was Saving Nemo. I'm not a movie person unless the movie is cute or funny.

Man, those pics remind me of the game where you pick out the one that's different from the rest and the difference is so small you have to study and study the pics.

Anonymous said...

I think Alan Bennett wrote the story on which the film is based. I had to study his book of short stories in English Lit - its title was Talking Heads, they were kinda like your league of mullets, only exceeding boring!