Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Just so you know

I plan on doing whatever I have to do to stay alive when the zombies finally do attack.
Nothing personal but if you get bit or whatever and you turn into a zombie I will shoot you. I'm just warning you now, so if you see me shooting zombies that were once related to you please don't freak out.


Joe said...

Hey, no problem. Once you're bit it's just a matter of time before you turn, that's just how it goes.

Everyone in my family has a standing agreement to put a mercy bullet in the skull of any family member who gets bitten by a zombie. It's the only decent and righteous thing to do.

Missy said...

I am with Bubs.....except my friends and I are pacifists without guns, so U guess we will have to use a broken bottle of zinfandel or something.

Barbara Bruederlin said...

What's with all the zombie hatin? Zombies are people too. Or used to be.

Whiskeymarie said...

I intend to love my zombie brothers and sisters as if thy were my own.
Until they try to bite me.
Then I'll gut 'em with a tweezer, if I have to.
And I could.
Try me.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Bubs-I love that family of yours.

Missy-Oh i don't own a gun either, I'm planningo n stealing a bunch from Wal-Mart when the bad times start.

Barbara-I'm not hatin' on zombies hon, I'm just staying alive.

Whiskey-I believe you hon, I believe you.

J.D. said...

Like my Grandmother always said, "If you want a box hurdled into the sun, you've got to do it yourself!" God bless her zombie bones.

Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

I have a friend who lives in DeKalb who's been planning just for this sort of thing and has a he-uge cache of weapons in his basement.

When the zombies do come, I'm going to pack up the family and heading there.