Monday, August 13, 2007

I regret to inform you

I was going to post the video of the greatest pop song ever written, Tempted by Squeeze, but the ass hats at Universal music won't let anyone get the embed code off You Tube. But they will sell the rights to use the greatest pop song ever written to Heineken so they can use it to sell beer. How very greedy of them, they cock block, or muff rebuff if you're of the female gender, all of us from putting it on our blogs but some fucking beer company can use it to sell their swill. How nice.

Oh well, if you know the tune you can hum it while looking at the dust jacket from the 45.


Anonymous said...

Hey Doc, no need to hum the tune thanks to Port Charles Sex Explosion. Enjoy...

Anonymous said...

Excellent taste sir. I definitely liked, and own, quite a few albums by Squeeze.

It should be interesting to see how Universal's experiment with DRM free music goes. I'll probably grab me some more Stevie Wonder.

Ubermilf said...

I can't resist a man in a fez. Or a monkey in a fez. Really, anyone in a fez.

I must have a fez fetish.

Whiskeymarie said...

This is my "go to" song for drunken karaoke, as I have all the words memorized.
Easily in my top 5.
My dear Monkeyman, it's like we were separated at birth.

Fran said...

That completely sucks. Greedy corporate motherf......s.

You rock my world Monkey, you do. Great taste. History Boys -boring, Squeeze -good. Spain -good.

You- good!

Ben Varkentine said...

What franiam said. Every time that commercial comes on, part of me dies a little inside.