Monday, August 13, 2007

Crazy from the heat?

All last week the high temps here were in the mid nineties. Add to those scorching temps almost constant 100% humidity and hardly any clouds and you got yourself a hot soupy sweaty mess.

I think the heat is getting to me because earlier today I imagined I saw a story on Think Progress that a brutal African dictator was using Bush's invasion of our civil liberties here in the USA as a precedent to spy even more on his people. Also I may have been hallucinating but I swear i thought I saw another story that said that Alberto "I can't recall" Gonzalez was going to Iraq to help them set up their new legal system.

What's that? I'm not hallucinating? That shit is true? Oh holy hell, we're just went so far up shit creek that not even the baby Jeebus can save us now.

It's times like these that I wish I hadn't wasted all that money on smoking (cigs and weed), drinking (beers and whatever), video games, housing, electricity, and food. Because if I had all that cash now, I could go buy a house and live in New Zealand or Sweden or Labrador.

I am so ashamed that Mugabe is using our Idiot in Chief's spying as a precedent for repressing his people even further and that that fucking criminal Gonzo is going to Iraq to teach them how to have a great legal system like ours. I wish it weren't going to be so hot tomorrow because I'd love to go hit a golf ball that I imagine is actually Bush's head. I'd hit that son of a bitch 300 yards, I know I would.


Distributorcap said...

well done, medium, raya

Jenn Siva said...

Time for you and the gf to move next door to me. 80 degrees, with a pleasant breeze, and just enough humidity to keep your lungs moist.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Green-Find us a nice house for under $125,000 and we are there.