Who ordered the gravy?

Was it the same person who ordered the canned spinach?

I'm not sure how you can choke that stuff down, I prefer the raw fresh organic spinach, but each to his or her own.
Come on, hurry up and eat, then let's get out of here. I'll get the check and you leave the tip this time.
i knew the first lady and second lady were secretly planning to give the world botulism
Laura Lynn Gravy!!!!
Dcap-They're planning on GeorgeDick soup next!
Look out for that salmonella bagged spinach thing again -- heard it on NPR. I think Cheney's behind this one, though.
Do I have to say it?
Do I??
I think I do....
I must. . . . . . .
Where's the beef?!
DGuzman-The only thing on NPR I believe anymore is Democracy Now! The rest is crap.
AB-I'm out of beef, how about a nice salami.
What is the spinach packed in? Gravy?
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