Monday, July 2, 2007

War Of Terror Update

So let me get this straight, we invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and bombed the shit out of them, killed hundreds of thousands of their citizens, used depleted uranium weapons on them that will fuck them and their country up for generations to come, and got thousands of our military people killed. We did all that in a effort to stop them from coming over and attacking us here in the USA and our allies did the same thing for the same reasons.

So, how's that going for us? Is that five year warwithoutendAmen doing it's job?

Glasgow June 2007

Madrid 2004
Add to those bombing the "terrorist plot" to blow up the jet fuel at JFK airport, the "terrorist plot" to kill soldiers at that base in New Jersey, the "terrorist plot" by shampoo bombers in London, and I'd say the war of terror has pretty much been a bust.
Five years of creating, oops, I mean fighting the terrorists in Iraq and Afghanistan so we won't have to fight them here, I'd say the Bush Jr. doctrine has pretty much been as phony as his frat boy grin.
There is some good news however. Haliburton, Kellogg Brown & Root, Blackwater, and other war profiteering corporations are raking in money hand over fist, so at least American companies are reaping the benefits of the war. And the oil companies will make some serious dough too when BushCondiCheney get the Iraqis to turn over the oil fields to them.
How much longer do we have to endure this shit? How many more have to die before they hear us?
Happy fucking 4th of July world and remember, if you have oil under your country, we'll be over to invade you sooner or later if you don't give it to us.


Katie Schwartz said...

it's so depressing. i was outraged when we went to war in iraq. first of all, I couldn't believe that americans fell for the pack of lies busheena sold to get the troops to iraq. i also couldn't believe they actually BELIEVED his rhetoric about us getting out in a year. it's just devastating

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

The gf and I remember making fun of Colin Powell's little song and dance at the UN while the corporate media was creaming their jeans for war. I cold not hate that ass and his warmongering fucks more than I do now.