Monday, July 2, 2007

Putin and the Bushes

"Mmmmm, is that vinegar and water I smell? Or did you wear borscht perfume for me again?"


Evil Spock said...

You make fun of Putin at your own risk. Better carry around a Geiger counter to detect any isotopes around your blog.

Fran said...

After embracing the First Lady of Vehicular Manslaughter, Vlad is just glad he doesn't have to get into a car with her at the wheel!

kelsi said...

i think it's great that she respects the (however evil) leader of one of the world's nuclear powers enough to throw on a sweatshirt and khakis for their meeting. that was big of her. (do you think she's wearing flip-flops? i kinda think so.)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Evil Spock-Putin does not scare me.

Fran-Maybe they should all get in separate cars and go at one another.

Kelsi-I bet she didn't even shower before she met him either.