One day, shortly after I got hired, the guys in the pipe repair crew, and it must be said these were some pretty rough guys who's idea of a balanced lunch was a pipe full of crack, a Slim Jim, and a quart of Schlitz Malt Liquor, and I were sitting around in the little trailer waiting for it to stop pissing the rain. They got to talking about the guns they all kept in their cars and one of them turned to me and said, "Hey white boy, what kind of pistol you got?"

I sneered at the guy who asked me that and I took a long drag off my Marlboro Light, I still smoked back then, and then I put it out between my finger tips. I flicked the butt across the trailer and I said in my best tough guy voice, "Shit man, I ain't got not no gun. Hell, I quit carrying one when I learned how to kill a man with my hands."

All of them turned to look at me, the new guy, the 175 pound weakling. I gave them all my best tough guy squint and about ten seconds later they all erupted with laughter. I started laughing too. One of them finally stopped laughing long enough to tell me, "OK Bruce Lee, we get the picture and I'll make sure to tell all the guys in the plant that you one deadly motherfucker."
I said, "Well okay then, you make sure you do that because I'd hate to go to prison for killin' one of you motherfuckers." They all laughed again but no one ever gave me any crap after that, ever.
Your bare hands? The best I can do is four different ways with a No. 2 pencil.
That was awesome
I have new respect for you, Dr M. However, I could still kick your monkey butt if you ever get too out of hand.
Jess-You're still pretty dangerous.
PJ-I know you could and if I ever get to the UK and we meet, I'm making sure to act up just so you can kick my butt.
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