Nah nah nah, Lowes stores has pulled their advertising from hate monger Loofah Lad's TV show.

Mr. O'Reilly was seen crying his beady little eyes out over the decision.

Seriously though, it's nice to see one company finally stop supporting that hate fest known as The O'Reilly Factor.
I heard O'Reilly wears ladies' thongs.
Bill O'Reilly is a true American Hero, and only a Commie or some delusional person interested in "truth" would dare criticize him.
Pointing your finger in people's faces is a sign of honesty, integrity, confidence and an abnormal interest in phone sex.
If you weren't a Commie, you'd understand this, but you Commies are all the same with your Communism, and Pol Pot worship.
Yeah, I said it. Someone has to defend this Honorable man from these vicious ad-hominem attacks.
I feel justified now that I spend so much money at Lowes and rarely at Home Depot.
And most often, I try to shop at locally-owned stores like this really cool nursery/landscaping place where I just got this beautiful.....I could go on and on .....
Like DCup, I prefer the locally own stores. When it comes to nursery/landscape, no problem.
However, for just your regular hardware, the choices have diminished entirely.
There are 2 Home Depots and 1 Lowes near me. The HD's are poorly staffed, never stocked, always filthy and disorganized. That's on a good day. I haven't seen or used the regular cashier in so long and am so adept at the self pay, that people ask me for help. Do I get an employee discount?
Which brings me (FINALLY) to my point... I will almost always go to Lowes which is a teensy bit further away.
My good shopping habits have finally paid off.
Go wipe your nose Billy boy and get a life.
Go Lowes!
My husband watches this show religiously (we have slightly different political views) I love it when O'reilly yells at the guests not to interrupt each other, and then that is what he does the ENTIRE show. Interupt/Interupt/Interupt
I cant even watch him, he is nauseating.
i wonder if billo sexually harasses the cashier at lowes, but not at HD
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