1. Who are the biggest influences on your life so far?
Wow, girl, you don't mess around do you? I'd say the biggest would be my late mother Norma and you can read more about her here. Also in that group would be the professional baseball player Willie Horton, former President Jimmy Carter, Elvis Costello, former Czech President Vaclav Havel, Nelson Mandela, Lech Walesa, Mother Jones, and the early union organizers who fought to make life better for all of us.
2. What items have you stored in the back of your pickup truck?

3. Please provide brief biographies of the League of Mullets.
The origin of the League of Mullets and a small amount of biographical data about the lads can be found here. Trust me, it's thrilling reading, I ought to know, I feckin' well wrote it.
4. Apes, chimps, monkeys, humans, Dr Zaius. Arrange in order of attractiveness.
A)Monkeys B) Chimps C)Humans D)Dr. Zaius E) Apes
5. What would be your first action on becoming President of the USA?I will end three wars immediately after I take the oath of office. I will end the war of terror on Iraq and Afghanistan, the hopelessly clueless war on drugs, and the war the multi national corporations wage on us everyday. The most important of these is the last one. When we end the stranglehold the multi nationals have over us then racism, terrorism, and drug use will not be so pervasive and we can work to eradicate those ills with ease after we end the corporate stranglehold.
Thanks for your questions Madam PJ I salute you, as does a grateful nation. If any of you would like to be interviewed by me, then please leave a comment on this post that says something like, "Interview me."
Thanks for answering my questions. It was nice to find out more about my favourite monkey-man.
And thanks for not revealing my real identity, a superhero needs her privacy sometimes.
You can interview me if you like.
Thank you PJ for giving me more opportunity to talk about myself.
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