Wednesday, July 4, 2007

I'm Just Sayin'

If you guys and gals in Congress want to get those low approval numbers up, then stop pussyfooting around and show King George the Worst that you ain't gonna take this Scooter shit lying down and you ain't gonna take any of his warwithoutendAmen crap anymore. Impeach the motherfuckers already and bring our troops home.

I'm just saying, that's all.


pissed off patricia said...

And I'm just agreeing with what you are just saying.

Happy 4th, our country made it through one more year.

Dr. Zaius said...

Impeachment is not a simple thing. Among other things,...

"In order to convict the accused, a two-thirds majority of the senators present is required." wikipedia

This would seem to be a difficult task seeing as how we only have 51 Democratic senators, and one of them is still very ill. To a degree, it does a disservice to our elected Democratic officials to say that they are not doing everything they can to stop the Madness of King George. I don't think anybody is "pussyfooting" around. This is very serious. I would just say this:

"Any damn fool can shout, 'free cookies for everybody!' Rational people figure out what can and cannot be done, determine how to actually deliver on a plan, gather support and then pursue the plan logically. Rational people get the job done." Zaius Nation

Not that I don't agree with your sentiment! Happy Fourth of July! And I hope that I don't sound to sanctimonious.

Angry Ballerina said...

Me sis is movin to Canadia.

I wanna go with her.

Actually, I'll stay..Canadians scare me with their 'eh's

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Thanks Pissed, coming from you that mean alot to me.

Doc-My point is, and I guess I should have made it more eloquently or clearly, that if the Congress began impeachment proceedings and or stop passing funding bills for the war most Americans oppose now, then their approval ratings would go up. Instead of acting like the majority, they seem to be afraid of Bush and they act like his rubber stamps, in my opinion. Now, I fully understand that your opinion may differ from mine, and that's okay with me and that's also part of what makes our country great, that we can disagree on these things.

AB-I know what you mean eh. They scare me too eh.

splord said...

I got this in my avatar's email.