What's up Doc? If this was not proof positive that Dr. Zaius is running for President against me, then I do not know what is! A loyal Monkerstein ally snapped this photo of Dr. Zaius hanging out with nationally known political fundraiser and party hack Bob 'Money Pants' Frapples. Frapples raised money for the abortive Presidential campaigns of Dick Gephardt, the late Paul Tsongas, and Joe Lieberman. Maybe it's a good thing Zaius has aligned himself with a man like Frapples, all of Frapples old clients lost their races and by all accounts Zaius will lose this one as well! And by the way, what is that on Dr. Zaius's right wrist? A
price tag?!?!?
Oh, dear! So far, all Dr. Zaius has offered is a lot of criticism and no alternatives. It's very easy to criticize, isn't it?
Yes it is Samurai, it's all most too easy. What Zaius plotting next?
Thats what we call a 'cyber pimp slap'
*Yawn.* Do tell me when you to actually do something worthile, OK? I'll be in the other room napping.
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