Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Two right wing pundits walk in to a bar...

...and both of them are still wrong.
I saw where millionaire dick weasel Mikey Bloomberg, the man who bought himself the NYC mayoral job, has up and left the Republican party. Rampant speculation is that he'll run for the presidency on an independent ticket, much like lil' feller Ross Perot did in '92. A little bit later I saw where a Republican party pundit was crowing that if Bloomberg runs then the Democrats would be running oh so scared because Bloomy would somehow siphon off votes from the eventual Democrat nominee.

If Bloomberg does run, and I say hell yes jump on it Mikey boy and get that rich ass kicked, then he siphons off votes from the Republicans, not the Democrats. Why? Because once you leave out the idiots in Connecticut who voted to re-elect Traitor Joe, no self respecting Democrat or progressive is going to vote for the rich white bastard who up and left our party to become a Republican just so he could get elected mayor of New York City. Bloomski has shown himself to be a political opportunist of the Bush kind. He jumps parties when it suits his needs and wants and because of that he gets no ones loyalty, but money does follow it's own so he will garner more rich white votes than he will working class or poor votes. So again I say, run Mikey run and here's hoping you go bankrupt trying to buy all of our votes out here in purple America.
This douchebag works for a right wing think tank, boy what an oxymoron that is, and he says that Gen. Petraus is above reproach and that Harry Reid is a bad guy for suggesting that a general in Bush's war machine is a liar. He says that generals don't lie because they are stand up guys who runs wars and shit.
Once BushCheneyMicrosoftExxonMobilWalMart force the generals to retire and they finally have a chance to speak openly about their time under those corrupt idiots who run the war they invariably come out against the war and the idiots in suits who are fucking it up. To a man, and in some cases to a woman, they all say how wrong the civilian leadership was and who much they regret having to follow orders issued by morons. To say the Petraus is believable in every thing he says about the war is laughable. It's like saying that Bush is believable when he talks about any fucking thing. Of course Bush's latest four star lap dog is lying about things over there, he has to lie to keep his job. And of course we should all call them on their lies, not just Harry Reid.
Okay, you two pundits listen up: America has had enough. We do not want more of the same bullshit that you have forced on us. We do not want more Republicans, or in Bloomburger's case Pseudo Republicans, in charge. We want the war to end YESTERDAY and for all our troops to be brought home. And most of all we want you pundits to stop telling us what it is that we think and what you think it is that we want. We know what we want and we want our country back from you and your pals in the corporate world and one day by hook or by crook we'll fucking get it.


SamuraiFrog said...

Wow, finally there's a man in this race with less of a spine than Mitt Romney! I mean, Romney just changes his opinions when he needs votes, but Bloomberg changes entire parties! Keep those party ideals alive, douche bag!

Oh, man, this country is so fucked...

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

I hate to agree with you on this Frog, but you're right, as usual.

Fran said...

Oh Doctor Doctor Doctor.

Well let me say that I for one think that disagreements that show up early in the relationship always make it stronger. May that be so here.

And you probably already know I was cool with the earlier deletion of my comment. Pope Monkey Von Monkerstein - his word is law to me.

Most of the time!

I am wondering if you and samaurai frog live anywhere near this wacky mecca called NYC.

For reasons that are inexplicable to us all and ones that we have chosen to ignore, for good or ill, people become Republicans to become mayor.

Now they generally, even that ginormous asshole Rudy, don't act like Republicans. (He just act like an ASSHOLE)They just do it "on paper"sort of.

I know how lame that sounds.

Frankly- forgive me these words and promise me we can fling poo and have great make-up bananas in the morning - he has been a pretty good mayor.

When you consider the giant pile of poo left by the ASSHOLE who went before him.

I am ready to take my licks.

Fran said...

I am not at all endorsing him for Pres however.

THAT is another matter entirely!

Run Dennis Run!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

If the rich douchebag has been a good mayor then fine. That's not my point, my point was he will jump ship whenever it suits his purpose and that type of behavior is what is ruining our nation.

Fran said...

True indeed. NYC politics are basically fucked and this makes things worse.

And I don't think he is meant for 1600!

As Ed Koch so richly put it, and I paraphrase here - "divorced rich (and i add short!) jews are not usually intended to live in the white house."

As part Jewish I can say that. Can't I?

We have weathered our first disagreement well Dr.

Millions of irreverent monkey thanks to you.

And Rudy is still an ASSHOLE.