That giant sucking sound of evil, that four tiered wedding cake of malevolence, that pinata of full of angry, wicked, immoral hornets that is Blackwater USA has committed yet another outrage on the American people.
First off, for those of you who do not know what Blackwater USA is, it is a private "security" firm. In reality it is a gang of would be thugs and wanna be mercenaries who our asshole leaders hired to help fight the war of terror on Iraq and Afghanistan. They've also been used by the pricks at FEMA to keep order after Katrina slammed into New Orleans. Who is behind this group of flaming assholes who carry assault weapons, who shoot at will at anything that moves, and who make more money for fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan than our soldiers do? Why it's the DeVos family!
Never heard of the DeVos family? If you lived in Michigan you have probably heard of the patriarch of this twisted clan. His name is Dick DeVos and he just ran for governor of my home state (thank goodness I no longer live there). He got his lilly white ass handed to him by Jennifer Granholm, a Canadian. What is the DeVos/Blackwater connection you ask? Well Dickhead DeVos, a hard right religious nut bag, is the head of AMWAY, that insidious company that suckers people into buying a ton of shitty substandard products they will never use and who then try to hoodwink their friends and family into doing that same under the guise of it being a legitimate business opportunity. One of Dickless DeVos's kids or some hellish bastard or bitch who married one of his kids then took some of daddy's ill gotten gains and started up a 'this gun's for hire' company to enforce Apple Pie, Jesus, and Rosy Cheeked Capitalism around the world. They got a no bid contract to provide security for our troops (crazy huh? our armed troops in Iraq and Afghanistan need security) and for American businesses (Halliburton/Kellog Brown and Root/etc.).
Up to speed now? Good. Then let the angry monkey continue.

Now, the thing that has our simian boxer style briefs up our red asses today is that we just heard that these pricks are suing famlies of former employess to keep them quiet and to keep them from ever finding out about the truth of how their loved ones, employees of Blackwater, died. These bastards who have all the fucking money in the world at their disposal, money they got, by the way, from us the taxpaying citizens of the USA, are suing grieving families to keep them quiet. How callous is that? How un-American is that? How hateful is that? How much like those baby killing pricks in the White House is that?
You people at Blackwater are damn despicable murdering thieves. Every last one of you should be in prison along with the giant tools who hired you. You are all chicken hawks who will get reincarnated as bugs who get smashed into wind shields or worse. I can only hope that when the Idiot in Chief and The Dark One get tossed out on their asses and a new administration is swept into power that all of you are immediately indicted and all your government cotracts are voided. Blackwater, you are a stain on humainty in general and on the USA in particular.

Is that chimp BLEEDING?!
Damn right he is, that's part of why he is so angry.
You sure he's not angry bc he's dressed like an asshole?
Those Blackwater guys, aren't they the ones that got strung up in Fallouja back in the day and kicked off that whole battle of Fallouja mess?
yes mad you are correct.
That chimpanzee with a gun is one of my attorneys. Kindly tell him to get back to his office at Dewy, Cheetum & Howe, thank you. He has some depositions to falsify.
Of course Doc, he's on the way now.
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