I'm sending out a big heapin' helpin' of thanks to my liege and my pirate lead
er Cap'n Dyke today. She was the only blogger to write about the corporate shenanigans that Bill Moyers also talked about on his show the other night. I'm right there with ya Cap'n, lets keel haul all the greedy bastards that don't die when we blow their ships apart with the big ass cannons aboard your ship. I'm volunteering to jump over on the smoldering wreckage of their corporate greed buckets with a knife in my teeth, round up the rich white pigs, and bring them back aboard your/our ship Cap'n.

If any of you have not heard about the latest outrages committed by corporations against us then let me give you a crash course in what the sneaky fucks have been up to:
Remember when all the airlines went into bankruptcy following 9/11? They said t
hey had to because they lost so much money when they could not fly for those few days and they lost so much business because the public was skittish about flying. Well, not too long after that they sought like hell to get wage and benefit cuts from their employees. The unions caved because they did not want their members to lose their jobs, the bankruptcy courts said, "Sure, cut their pay and benefits if you need to." Well, by gosh and by golly, the airlines did it. They cut pilots, stewardess and stewards pay, as well as the pay and benefits of the mechanics. But who did not take a pay cut during those times? Who actually got richer as a result of those cuts? The CEO's of the airlines. And now that most all of them have come out of bankruptcy, the CEO's are getting huge bonuses and huge amounts of stock, stocks that are soaring in price because the airlines are out of bankruptcy by the way. Some of them are also getting free medical and dental insurance for life even if they leave the company. What about those workers who gave them big wage and benefit concessions? They are getting dick, diddly squat, nada, zip, not a god damned thing. Oh wait, they get to keep their jobs, which are worth way less than they were years ago. Nice deal huh?

Hey America, who was our last President that came from a corporate background? I'm blanking on his name but I remember what he looks like:

Yep. That's him. How's that corporate connection going for ya now America? If I'm not mistaken, then he's just been doing to the country what his buddies in the corporate world have been doing to us all along. And you remember his buddies don't you America? No? Let me remind you of a couple:

Kenny Boy Lay, this prick nearly was our country's Sec. of Energy. Now he's dead and so are the 401k's of almost everybody who worked for him.
White Collar Criminal McCrimestein, this Enron asshole practically had a fucking key to the Lincoln bedroom. Now the only thing key he's got is the one to his chastity belt and his cell mate just might take it from him.
So it's no wonder I'm with the Cap'n. And I'm just waiting to hear the order to overthrow the greedy pigs. Until then Cap'n, I'll keep me powder dry and me blade as sharp as sharp can be. Arrrrgh.
Me Dear MonkeyMucker, 'tis a marvelous piece an' well deservin' o' a mark o'Me Esteem. I'll be sendin' th'Crew o'er t'read it...
...an' since ye be so brave an' willin' t'fight th'good fight, Th' Cap'n be puttin' ye in th'forefront with a promotion.
We'll forgo any punishment for thawin' out Me Cold, Icy Heart with yer fine words an' stout spirit. ;)
Oh. I'm all over this shit. My bleeding socialist heart hates, hates, hates this kind of inequity.
Good work to you and the Cap'n. I read her post late last night, but was too tired to follow up. Now I must.
You do me great honor Cap'n. Thank ye.
Hell yes D Cup, let's get everybody on this and stay on this until we drvie those bastards from power.
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