Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Maybe the wrong Edwards is running

Thanks Elizabeth. Thanks for standing up to that bully Ann Coulter. You've got more class and backbone that harpy ever dreamed of having. All she can do is spew her hate. But you stood up to that bully and you made her look like the idiot she is.
We all know what happens when you stand up to a bully.

First they get mad,
then they try to push back,
then when they see you won't back down, they whine,
but when they see that no one listens to them anymore, start to slink away.
And we see them for what they are, little pipsqueaks,

tiny specks not worth stepping on.

But sometimes it's so fun to do what we shouldn't.

And presto, no more bully!
Thanks again Elizabeth.


Anonymous said...

More proof that sometime you are the bug, and sometimes you are the windshield.



Fran said...

As a woman, even as a sometimes bawdy and irreverent woman like myself, there is one word which I choose to actively not use. It describes a woman's body parts and begins with a c I think you know what word I mean.

If I were going to say that word, and I am not, but if I were going to use it, that word would describe one lone woman.

Ann Coulter.

Elizabeth Edwards is beyond anything that Ann could even comprehend.

Snad said...

"Gollum. Gollum." Dang. Where's Mount Doom when you need it?

Anonymous said...

I am SO leaving The Honey for Elizabeth now!

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Tengrain-You got it man.

Fran-Yep, Coulter is a cunt. (Sorry ladies but you know she is.)


D Cup-Tell the Honey he can come up here and we'll tie one or two on.

Katie Schwartz said...

fascist party doll?! could I love you any harder right now.

do you do meems?

Anonymous said...

what a piece of crap Ann Coulter is --- i hope this finally is the demise of that --- well you know what i mean.

american is a worse place with people like Ann Coulter and a much worse place when any media outlet gives that nazi any air time.

ann should be sent to go shopping in baghdad without McCain's bullet proof vest

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Yes Katie I do meems.

Anon- I could not agree more.

SamuraiFrog said...

Oh, that's perfect. And the icing on the cake was that moment at the end, when Chris Matthews tries to hold her to her words and she won't let him... that deep sigh he gives, that was just the cherry on top of that whole thing.