Thursday, June 7, 2007

A League of Mullets movie review

Yo, Dr. Monkerstein discovered that his local digital cable provider is now offering free movies on the Video On Demand channel. So he made us watch The Spanish Prisoner again and here is our review:
This tight little gem of a movie is one of our all time favorites.
It's about a guy, played by Campbell Scott, who invents a money making thing that is called "The Process." He works for a big company that is headed up by Ben Gazzara and this company stands to make a lot of money off "The Process." They're concerned that Campbell Scott will leak it or lose it or somehow let it out get nabbed by their competitors. They try to go to great lengths to keep the process from getting loose and to keep Scott at arm's length when he wants to be financially rewarded for inventing "The Process."
Scott gets pissed at the company for not telling him just how much of a bonus they will pay him and he tells his troubles to a friendly man, played by Steve Martin, who he met on an island sojourn with some company brass. Martin's character it turns out is a con man and he is running an elaborate con on Scott in order to steal "The Process" so that he can sell it off.
As the plot unfolds we see all sorts of chicanery by all sorts of folks in the movie. Along the way we are led down blind alleys, metaphorically speaking, and through many twists and turns. In due time the movie answers these burning questions: Is the company going to screw over Scott? Will the hot seemingly sweet new office chick, played by Rebecca Pidgeon, steal Scott's heart or his invention? Are the FBI agents trustworthy? And what's up with that damn old dude with the broom?
Every one of the actors turned in a great performance in this movie. None of their characters uttered a false line or made an gesture that was not germane to the story.
The film was written and directed by David Mamet and on both counts he did a fine job. Of course, since he wrote the film, all the dialogue is in that now famous (or infamous if you hate his stuff) staccato Mamet style. For those of you who do not know what we are talking about here is a little snip of Mamet-esque style dialogue:
Man 1: You got that thing?
Man 2: The thing...
Man 1: Yeah, the..
Man 2: Thing?
Man 1: The...thing
Man 2: Oh...yeah...the th...
Man 1: thing.
Man 2: Yeah I got it.
We dig his style of writing but we can also see how people constantly repeating bits of dialogue and people speaking in circles to one another would get on film viewers nerves.

All in all we really really love this movie. We are suckers for movies about con men and we love most every movie Mamet has written and or directed.

We also really really liked it that Rebecca Pidgeon's, she is Mrs. David Mamet by the way, hair cut was nearly a mullet in this movie. It made us dig her even more.
We recommend you watch this movie whenever it comes on TV, that you rent it and watch it again, and that you buy it on DVD. It rocks.

So say us! So say we all!!!!


Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

The mullet! They were hot back then! LOLMAO

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Mullets are classic and timeless.

Matthew Hubbard said...

I too am a fan of The Spanish Prisoner. I put it on my Netflix wish list about a jillion years ago, and there it still languishes. Grrr!

Here's a David Mamet film that is available on DVD. The Winslow Boy. Fantastic film. Even better with the commentary from Mamet and several of his Brit actors.

I predict a future League Of Mullets favorite, though I am not officially affiliated. (Had long hair in my high school yearbook picture, but it was not poofy in the front.)

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

If I see the Winslow Boy again I will getthe league of mullets to review it. They only review films we watched recently. I too liked the Winslow boy btw.

Anonymous said...

Okay, so you already know how I crush on the League of Mullets. (They are too grand to abbreviate their name in any way!)

So, anyway, the 4 yo wanders up to the computer screen, points to one of the Mullets and says "Is that Daddy?"

I. Cannot. Stop. Laughing.

Angry Ballerina said...

Biz in the front, party in the back. Right on.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Well Jess, the lads in the League of Mullets do get around. Wink, wink.

And they dig dancers too AB.

Angry Ballerina said...

I know....Ugh.....

Romius T. said...

A great movie and I love the Mamet style of writing, i tried it once or twice times a few many maybe on my blog. Which I shouldn't have.