Wednesday, June 20, 2007

How dare you!

Hey Dumb Ass, yes Dumb Ass, I'm talking to you. Not that you fucking care or that you might read anything you might disagree with but Pam at Musings of a Working Mom put your stem cell veto into perspective for everyone. Not that she needs any back up, because if you ask me I think she can take care of herself in a street fight and in a battle of wits with your stupid fucking ass, but I just wanted to take her point a step further.

You tell us you vetoed the stem cell bill so that Americans would not be financing the destruction of human life. But what you fucking meant was that you wanted to make sure that people who look like this:

And this:

can have babies when they want.

But it's okay to kill and maim people who look like this:

because their skin is brown, they have no money, and they have a different religion than you.

You know what Dumb Ass, someone should have taught you that all human life is sacred not just white Christian life. Someone should have taught your stupid ass that real power is knowing when not to strike out in anger and that sane people use diplomacy and not bombs. And finally, someone should have taken you out behind the wood shed and gave you an ass whippin' for being stupid enough to get us into this mess. I'm praying that you don't start anymore wars before you leave office and I'm praying that when you do go, you'll be led off in handcuffs and put on trial for your crimes.


Anonymous said...

My dear, dear Doctor. Such a shame that someone with your intelligence can't see that the Iraqi invastion couldn't be helped. We had to do it.

Those aren't really dead and injured people. Those are dead and injured Iraqis and just like Bill O'Reilly says, that's meaningless. Means nothing. Not worth bothering Barbara Bush's beautiful mind over....

Fran said...

I hate that motherfucker O'Reilly - he is meaningless.

But not nearly as much as I hate that other meaningless piece of shit ball,
George Bush.

I think I am in touch with my anger. I watched Frontline from the other night and then saw this blog.

Pam said...

DAMN fine addition to my post!!

Although it's not really helping my blood pressure......

And pickles is so hopped up on happy pills, she wouldn't notice anyway.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

D Cup-If i didn't know better I'd say someone slipped you some Kool-Aid. But thank goodness I know sarcasm when I see it.

Fran-Take a deep breath and then exhale, then go organize in your neighborhood.

Pam-Sorry to raise your BP. Your post was on my mind all day and I knew I had to write something or I was going to explode.