Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hey George...'s that war on terror going for ya now dumb ass? Huh? Well since you never tell the truth about it, we'll say it for you, it's in the toilet you idiot. Your surge is a failure and your approval numbers are dropping faster than a pair of Brittany Spears panties at a cock fight. We know, we know you don't look at polls, you could care less that 68 fucking percent of the people in this country think you are leading us down the wrong track. Oh wait, you know better don't you? God told your stupid ass to start a war that we can't win and that you won't let us out of and that is draining this country dry.

That surge was supposed to stop the sectarian violence, at least in Baghdad anyway. Let's see, how's that working for us now? Oh, I see, another bombing at another mosque. Good job George. You and your chicken hawks scored another direct hit on intelligence and reason. Your perfect record is intact, everything you say is the opposite of what is real and truthful. More troops will make Baghdad safer, more troops will stop the violence, more troop will make the Iraqi's sit up and do right. Yeah right. He shoots! He misses AGAIN!

I think the problem with you George is, your stupid ass never fought in a war so you have no idea how it's supposed to be done. You evaded going to Viet Nam because your granddaddy and your daddy were rich Republicans. You went off to get drunk and wash the planes the real pilots flew and then you went and got more drunk. So you never learned how to lead other men or inspire confidence. In short dumb ass, you became a chickenhawk, someone who starts shit and then runs away from it after it gets ugly. When you open your fat lying yap these days all I hear is that Elvis Costello song Tramp The Dirt Down come out. I know you never heard it but the lyric in it that reminds me of you is, "Who takes all of the credit and none of the blame?"

Another problem I have with you is you never listen to people who have actually fought in your war. You and your chickenhawk pals marginalize vets and retired generals who speak out against your insane warmongering. You are right, they are wrong. And yet you never fought a day, an hour, a minute, a second in your worthless life. They did. They know war is hell and should be avoided at all costs. But that's right God told you to go to war didn't he? But you know what? God also told this guy to protest your war and he actually fought in it. He fought and that's something you didn't do. You know what George? I'd take a bullet for this guy and for the other Iraq and Afghanistan war vets who speak out against your stupid wasteful war. But for you, I'd duck and cover baby.

We're still making progress though over there I bet.
Tell that to these folks:

the families of these soldiers,

to this guy who lost his buddies,

to this kid who probably will suffer for life because you wanted this war,
and tell it to this little girl who got shot because of this war you brought us all.
I doubt that cookie she's holding made her feel any better about being shot.
Look at her suffering George.

Oops, I know, I know, no one suffers more than you and Pickles over the war. You poor things, how do you and Pickles hold up? Where do you find the strength to go on?

Hey I got an idea, and just listen to me George, hear me out. How about you go back to Albania where they love your blood thirsty war mongerin' ass. You go back there and you take Dick Cheney with you. Then with you two gone we let the next in line take your job:
You know who would support that little idea of mine? I'm just guessing, but I think about 65 percent of Americans. Seriously dude, resign and take The Dark One with you. If you have any ounce of love for this nation, I am begging you to resign your office this second.


Dr. Zaius said...

Yay! Nancy Pelosi! You are indeed an ape among men, my good sir.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Holy god, are you up at this hour as well?

Anonymous said...

Nancy's left nipple has more sense than Dick and George combined.

That's why people keep trying to behold their brilliance.

Dr. Zaius said...

DCup, you have a way with words...

Pam said...

What a FANTABULOUS post!! Sending it to the editor of any newspapers? You ought to!

Funny how whenever people talk to God, they always hear what they want to hear. I was told to "Pray on" something the other day. Funny that God told me "no, don't give them any money." I don't think that's the answer they wanted God to give me ;-).

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Thanks Pam, D Cup, and Doc. All my blog buddies have such great taste.