Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Give it up for the tiny dancer!

We saw this on Angry Ballerina's blog and we had had HAD to have it over here. You rock AB, no matter what Evil Spock says.


Anonymous said...

Hey - who stuck this thing on my Escalade! And what's with this banana peel?

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

LOL. Someone call the loser police on D Cup and her SUV.

dmbmeg said...

what I don't get is it was like a sudden epiphany for people after Bush was re-elected that he was a big giant douche....It's like no, you don't get to complain about him when you had a year to determine that the war was a joke, and you STILL voted to re-elect him. bah!

Evil Spock said...

Evil Spock always speaks the truth. Be wary of the Angry one; she'll turn on you.

Angry Ballerina said...

HAHA! Pissa!

1. Banana peels work wonders in getting your point across.

2. Use scotch tape instead of electrical tape when stickin these suckers on shit.

3. I want mother fucking pics sent to me if anyone starts stickin these things on suvs

4. The props SHOULD go to my friend Jake.

5. Kiss my ass Evil Spock.